Saturday, October 13, 2007

Curius Film & Mai's Party

Yesterday, Curius made a watching-film event at 8.30 pm. The interesting part was the venue, which was in front of the Legermuseum. Spectators could watch the film from a built dock, boats, or the road.

This is how the venue looked like from the road

This is how to get to the dock

This is how the venue looked like from the dock where I sat

After the film, we went to Mai's Birthday party in a red box in front of the Space Box. The party was so much fun, especially with those MoT students :) I left the party with Xiaojing at 03.30 am the next day (and Oh my God, I feel so exhausted today)


SoulfulSinger said...

wah ini semacam layar tancep gitu ya? film apa tuh Curious??

Credo said...

Hahaha.. betul! Screen-nya dibuat yg temporary. Soalnya lokasinya bagus, nonton dr kanal2 gitu.

Curius itu student association fakultasku, yg ngadain acara. Filmnya sih Lucky Number Slevin