Thursday, September 17, 2009

Maling di apartemen

Apartemenku di Delft ada di jalan yg namanya Roland Holstlaan. Seringnya sih disebut Roland aja.
Waktu tahun pertama tinggal di Delft, aku tinggal di gedung ini. Tahun kedua, pindah ke gedung lain. Untuk Agustus-Oktober 2009 ini, aku kembali ke Roland.

Tapi entah kenapa tiba2 jadi banyak kemalingan di gedung ini. Poster2 yg ngingatin soal kemalingan udah banyak di tempel di dalam gedung, termasuk ngingatin ngunci kamar kalau keluar (bs sih ga usah di kunci, dab jadi ga bs dibuka dr luar. Tp dgn obeng ato sejenisnya, bisa dibuka dgn agak maksa. Aku jg bisa, hahaha :D), ngunci jendela, nutup pintu ke bike shed, pintu masuk ke koridor dan ke dalam apartemen. Selain itu jg ga membiarkan org lain yg mencurigakan utk ikut masuk ke dalam gedung (perlu kunci kamar masing2 utk masuk ke dalam gedung).
Tp ya gmn nentuin mencurigakan apa ngganya.. feeling masing2 itu mah..

Pas ketemu caretaker di lantai dasar 2 minggu lalu, dia ngasi selebaran pengumuman yg ada nomor telp polisinya. Dia bilang dalam 4 tahun ini, ini pertama kalinya ada kemalingan lagi.
Hari ini udah ada poster baru yg bilang yg kemalingan udah 6 kamar.

Semoga cepat bereslah urusan maling2 ini. Jadi was-was ninggalin kamar

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Getdropbox & Thesis Document

I wrote this following questions from some friends at Plurk about why I do not use googledoc instead.

Since I worked on my thesis last March, I has at least 2 workstations. My notebook at home, my notebook in the office ( I do in-company thesis), and computers in my faculty.

I've tried to only use my office notebook, but after some times, carrying the notebook back and forth on twice a day 1,5 hour indirect train travel became too annoying.

I have a special folder for my thesis work, including subfolders that organize my literature collection based on how I get them and whether I have printed them or not. It's common for me to add new articles or move some articles to printed-folders.

For that reason, I back up my files by simply copying my thesis folder to my flashdisk and copying it again to my home notebook. However at some point, my pathetically-small-capacity flashdisk (256Mb) can't handle my files anymore :p

I tried to send files to my own email address. But this really is not the best solution, because I can't have my perfectly organized thesis folder on hand.

That's how I started using Dropbox from It gives me 2Gb online space.
I installed it on my home notebook. Then I moved my thesis folders to the Dropbox folder. When I installed the same application on my work notebook and link it to my own account, it automatically made an exact copy of my Dropbox folder at home.

Everytime I made changes to my thesis at work, i.e.: document update, document relocation, etc, the application automatically synchronize the change online and when I get home, the same synchronization is also performed in my home notebook.

That's how Dropbox helps with my thesis work :D
Btw, I need more Dropbox space. If you register through my referral link, you and I (it's fair right? hehe) will get additional 250Mb space, haha.. So, if you wanna give it a try, register through this link :D

There are similar concepts that might be as useful, such as online desktop (I forget the application name).

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Never Gonna Steal My Joy

I love this video.
The song is from Mandisa, "Never Gonna Steal My Joy" and the dancer is Walking Palm.
This video can always brighten my day everytime I see it :)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Tenor Eitje

De Tenoren van Krashna Musika heb ..err.. er.. No, I can't continue in Dutch :p

Yaa, The Tenors of Krashna Musika decided to have a brunch together this Saturday morning (like the Sopranos, Altos, and Bass also do with their own respective groups).

Yoben as the Papa Tenoren (coordinator) who arranged the date and everything, unfortunately couldn't make it because his sister gave birth to two girls just recently.

However from 9 invited Tenors, only 3 could make it. So, ya it's just Alex, Tom, and me (with two of Alex's housemates) enjoying the warm sun, cool breeze, and church bell's chime on the balcony. The brunch consisted of fried egg, bacon, toasts, jams, butter, hagelslaag, sausage, coffee, tea, and fruit salad. Oh, and I brought 2 packs of dadar jagung with me.

Great moment to relax once in a while.. and the weather's nice too :)

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Masalah dengan Sepeda

Sepedaku udah bocor ban 4 kali dalam 3 minggu ini. Karena bosan nambal ban melulu, rencananya pengen beli sepeda (second) baru aja, karena tanpa sepeda hidup ini menderita (halaaah :D)

Tapi kemudian dapat tawaran dari Ucup untuk minjem sepedanya aja (ohh, baik hati sekali). Jadi kemaren sore dia datang bawain sepedanya. Walau mestinya aku yg jemput, tapi dia bilang ga papa karena dia mo skalian mampir ke tempat Baqir. Datanglah dia sekitar jam 8 lewat (eh, terasa masih sore krn masih terang, hahaa).

Sesaat setelah dia pergi, aku mo belanja ke Aldi. Baru beberapa meter, kok ada bunyi2 aneh ya.. Dan puncaknya ada bunyi letusan. Hhhh.. ternyata ban belakangnya meletus. Tauk deh kenapa.. Pas ada banyak orang di dekat taman itu, tapi cuek aja balik badan ke arah rumah, hehe.. Eh, tapi ada Nelson & Michelle juga yg tiba2 menyapa (mereka mau ke Mina, ngejual lumpia. Cicip testernya dikit, enak :D)

Intinya, batal deh pake sepeda pinjeman. Nelpon Ucup utk ngasi tau, dan memutuskan untuk jalan kaki aja belanjanya.. Ke Aldi, "Ehh udah tutup." Baru sadar liat jam udah jam 9 kurang dikit. Hmm, keknya C1000 & AH tutupnya jam 10 malam deh. Jalan kaki lagi ke C1000, "Looh tutup juga. Semoga AH masih buka." Dengan optimisme yang tersisa, lanjut jalan ke AH, dan tadaaa... petugas2nya lagi beres2 di dalam.

Akhirnya pulang dengan sia-sia.. dan jalan kaki...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Integration Moment III

In my Master program in TU Delft, Management of Technology, there's a special course called Integration Moment (read more about it in my previous post). This semester is my 3rd Integration Moment starting from 12 -30 January 2009. It was said in the kick-off meeting that 3 best papers would be selected and given prize. Interesting :)

The task was to write thesis proposal. We had been informed about this beforehand and advised to have our thesis topic ready before the start of the IM3. However, being a person who liked to keep his options open, this was particularly hard for me :)

Nevertheless, I decided on a topic related to my specialization in Innovation System just on the first day of IM3. It was a project in IBM. That's what I want, a thesis in company so that it would be more practical (at least that's what I thought).

However, the topic itself was still very broad, I only had little contact with my supervisor (he was not involved in the IM3 course) and I didn't even get a reply from IBM yet, about whether I'm gonna be accepted as one of the intern. This really gave me a hard time to write the thesis proposal. You know, the uncertainty.. I just didn't want to redo making the thesis proposal later. Hey, that's the purpose of this IM3 :D

The deadline for submission the final proposal was last Tuesday at 4pm. On Sunday, mine was still really bad, only a scrape on one A4 and some wild thoughts. Fortunately I got a meeting with one of the mentor on Monday and he gave me valuable input and some literatures to read. Long story short, after a 3 weeks IM3 period, I submitted my work just in time. I just realized I sent it 3.55 pm according to the big clock on the computer room's wall but 4.01pm according to the computer's clock. OMG.

Today we had a closing session of IM3 with free drinks in Wijnhaven, a very nice cafe by the way. Three students had been selected (before the deadline) to present their works because the commitee found them interesting and that they had shown good progress. Indeed, Doudou's, Robin's, and Reinoud's topics were interesting. I especially liked Robin's, about the impact of incubators to start-up companies.

Then the teachers announced the 3 best papers. And wow..! One of the prize went for me!
I honestly didn't expect that. I mean, I liked my paper, it's concise and well-reflect what I had in mind about the research at that moment. But it's not my best, I should've put more effort, that's what I felt.

Of course I didn't refuse the prize, come on :D I went home with a flower bouquet and 2 bookshop vouchers, very happy :)

NB: One interesting coincidence.. The other two prize-winners were Monica and Robin (this is a guy, as this name is unisex). The funny thing was, we were the only MOT students joining an elective course called Network Management & Innovation a couple of months ago and formed a group for the assignment. Apparently in this IM3 course, we were once more reunited, hehe :D

Arianna dancing to Beyonce's "Single Ladies"

Too cuteee!!
Despite some inappropriate body gesture for kids (LOL), Arianna did a great job, looking at how detail she could perform the dance movements :D

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Beasiswa Depkominfo 2009

Berhubung sekarang kuliah dengan beasiswa Depkominfo, sekarang ikut berbagi informasi bagi yang membutuhkan :D


Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika pada Tahun 2009 kembali membuka kesempatan dan menyediakan beasiswa pendidikan S2 dan S3 di luar negeri bagi PNS di lingkungan lembaga pemerintah, karyawan/karyawati di lembaga pendidikandan industri teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK), serta masyarakat umum.

Persyaratan :

1. Lulusan sarjana S1 untuk pendidikan S2 dan lulusan Sarjana S2

untuk pendidikan S3.

2. Memiliki IPK minimal 2,75 (dari skala 4)

3. Memiliki nilai Institutional TOEFL (ITP) minimal 550 atau IELTS minimal 6.5

4. Memiliki nilai Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA) minimal 550

5. Mendapat rekomendasi dari pejabat yang berwenang

6. Diutamakan :

a. Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun

b. Berusia maksimal 35 tahun untuk pendidikan S2 dan 40 tahun untuk

pendidikan S3.

c. Belum memiliki gelar dan tidak sedang menerima beasiswa lain dan/atau sedang mengikuti program pendidikan S2 (bagi pelamar program S2) atau S3 (bagi pelamar program S3)

7. Pendaftaran dan penyerahan berkas lamaran beasiswa paling lambat tanggal

18 Februari 2009.

Informasi & formulir selengkapnya: Beasiswa Depkominfo 2009

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Mandala Promo Fare


Periode Booking : 23-26 JANUARI 2009
Periode Terbang : 1 MARET- 31 MEI 2009

Syarat & Ketentuan Promo:

* Promo ini hanya berlaku selama periode promo diatas (tanggal 23 s/d 26 Jan 09) untuk periode perjalanan diatas ( 1Mar - 31May 2009 ).
* Beberapa tanggal dalam periode terbang diatas tidak diikutsertakan dalam promo ini.
* Tempat duduk terbatas. Berlaku untuk semua rute.
* Tiket promo tidak dapat ditransfer ke penerbangan lainnya dan tidak dapat diuangkan.
* Tarif dasar berbeda untuk masing-masing durasi penerbangan ke seluruh rute penerbangan.


Mulai 199.000 ( Nett ) sudah termasuk tax dan fuel surcharge

Promotion Details:
Periode Promo : 19 - 31 January, 2009
Travel period : 19 - 31 January, 2009

Syarat & Ketentuan Promo:

* Tarif mulai Rp. 210,000 untuk Route JKT- SRG pp Tarif mulai Rp.199,000 untuk rute JKT-PGK pp adalah tarif untuk satu kali perjalanan, satu orang, SUDAH termasuk fuel surcharge, biaya lainnya dan pajak
* Promo ini hanya berlaku selama periode promo diatas (tanggal 19 - 20 Januari 2009) untuk periode perjalanan diatas (tanggal 19 - 31 Januari 2009)
* Tiket promo tidak dapat ditransfer ke penerbangan lainnya dan tidak dapat diuangkan.

Untuk Info lebih lanjut hubungi:
Jl. Sarimanah I No. 35 Sarijadi - Bandung
Telp / Fax : 022 2015101
Mobile : 022 76203200
Email : atau email/YM:

Friday, January 23, 2009

This Year Birthday

Not my birthday cake! :DTwo days ago was my birthday.
Since I'm not in Pekanbaru, there's no birthday dinner at home or out with my family to our favourite Chinese restaurant (berlebihan sih klo bilang restoran, rumah makan biasa kok tp whiiiy enak kali)

And since I'm not in Bandung, there's no midnight surprise (yea, right) visit with fancy cakes from my friends. Or anything like this.

I'm in different country now. With different circle of friends. I don't think anybody will do the surprise visit (with this cold weather? neaahh). Also because of the living condition. Some students live in a housing building with automatic security that prevent them to have access to people's floor without the owner's consent. So, people tend to have a planned party. That's what I had last year. Cooking and having dinner with a small group of friends, but days after the real birthday because of exams, haha.

No, I'm not being bitter or something :D It's just different and still enjoyable.

This year, my birthday was on Wednesday. That's Krashna Musika's regular rehearsal day. So I came to the Cultural Center, bringing a bag of chocolate with cream filling (don't know the name), marshmallow, Engelse drops, Salted Cashew, and Choco pindas (kacang salut coklat). I did that because that's what my Dutch friends do when they had their birthday :D Then during the break, they sang the Dutch Birthday song.. (ya, "Panjang umurnya.. panjang umurnya.. blabla berbahasa Belanda) completed with the "Hip hip Huraa" thing (Imagine around 50 singers sang together :D)

Of course receiving messages through friendster, facebook, multiply, plurk, sms, call, and whatever else definitely brightened up my day too. I really loved that.

Today, in church choir practice, I received a chain of birthday songs sang in Indonesian, Dutch, Portuguese, Rwanda, and Italian. That was wonderful, I should've recorded that, haha.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Comic Strip - Mpuz's New Room

Comic strip based on the comic characters defined by HabsQ and true experience of both real-life characters
Please welcome.. The Daily Life of Mpuz the Cat & Cred the Bear!! (and we're waiting for the real art by HabsQ )

\Mpuz's New room\

This is the sketch by habsQ (aku taro sini ya Bib! haha, blom diiyain udah majang :D)

I think it's a lot cuter than the strip. Well.. I'm not that chubby, but it's okay for now.. hahahaha