Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Programming --> Wizarding?

Well, I was an informatics students. But I have this strange feeling, not knowing wheter I like to do programming or not.

On one hand, I think I dislike it. Umm, I think it is just because I don't like electronics. I mean such things related to electrical components. Am I making you confused? Hehehe, let me give you an example. At home in Riau, I would never lay my hand on those electrical thingies if there's such problem. I'm just not a problem solver for that stuff. On the contrary, my brother is just a big fan of that kinda stuff, and yeah he is very good at it. Conclusion: I'm not interested in that area and it kinda bringing an influence to me for not liking computer hardware. I think that is also the reason why I'm not interested in computer network, socket programming, and those kinda programming stuff related to hardware (It would be most of the subject in Laboratory of Distributed System, in my undergraduate study )

On the other hand, I realise that I like programming too. There's something enjoyable in solving a given problem using lines of codes. Replacing a bunch of repeated action into a simple loop, using an already-developed subroutine to develop bigger-purpose-subroutines, etc.

I just realised yesterday that it's similar to wizarding world (Huehehe, it is likely that I'm
still under the influence of Harry Potter - just watched the latest film and read the latest book).

Take for example, you have to provide a feature in a software. Then you realise that it would take a plenty of time to develop it from scratch. Then you find some already-implemented subroutines or libraries that are usable to help you reducing the amount of time and effort you think you will spend to finish the task.

I compare it to the Triwizard tournament Harry Potter had to go through in his 4th year in Hogwarts. The first task is obtaining a golden egg which was guarded by a Hungarian Horntail Dragon. At first he didn't know how to succeed the task. But then he was told that he can use his skill in flying-on-broomstick. The only thing left to do was learning the Accio spell. Task done!

And in the second task, he had to rescue Ron from the Merpeople. He knew he need to survive staying long enough underwater to succeed the task. Many ways to do it. He could've learned to create an air bubble covering his head to provide him oxygen, or transfigured himself to a water-creature. But those would be taking much effort and time. Since time was tight, eating Gillyweed was a feasible yet effective solution to his problem.

Now, that is the similarity I found between programming and wizarding (and maybe in other area). The resources are available around us. The only challenge is to find which one is the more suitable to solve our problem. Sometimes it seems a very hard task. But then frequently it turns out that the solution is very simple.

Hehe, just a thought.

Moral of the story: Well, our own life can be as exciting as the one in film or story book. Just keep it going and find the excitement!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

What is the meaning of Credo?

Hari ini saat menuju ke kantor sepulang makan siang dari kantin AA di Sekeloa (iya, aku ga puasa) terjadi perbincangan ini:
"Eh, nama Credo tu artinya apa?", Mbak Silvie bertanya.
"Umm, itu dr bahasa Latin, artinya 'Aku percaya'"
Dan saat udah membuka Yahoo! Messenger di kantor, ada pop up sebuah window dr Marcos..
Marcos: Ndy
Marcos: credo artinya apa?
Credo: hee.. kenapa tiba2?
Credo: hmm, bisa berarti "Aku percaya"
Credo: klo di konteks theologi -> pengakuan iman
Credo: klo bisnis & korporasi gitu -> filosofi
Akhirnya aku jadi penasaran sendiri dengan namaku itu :D Pengen tau lebih lanjut.. Jadi coba search di Google

Beberapa penjelasan aku dapat dr


cre·do (krē'dō, krā'-)

n., pl. -dos.

1. A creed.
2. Credo:
a. The Apostles' Creed.
b. The Nicene Creed, especially as the third item of the Ordinary of the Roman Catholic Mass.
c. The musical setting of the Nicene Creed.

[Middle English, the Apostles' Creed, from Latin crēdō, I believe (the first word of the Apostles' Creed or the Nicene Creed), first person sing. present tense of crēdere, to believe.]



In Latin, the word credo means I believe. In English, a credo is a formal statement of one's beliefs, often in matters of religion. Well-known examples are the Apostles Creed and the longer Nicene Creed, which are summaries of the Christian religion.

Creed is a synonym to Credo


Jadi kesimpulannya, Credo itu dari bahasa Latin yang artinya 'aku percaya'.

Dan memang dalam konteks theologi bisa berarti Pengakuan Iman. Kata Credo itu pernah dibahas oleh Ibu Dorothy Irene Marx di kuliah Etika Protestan. Waktu dulu di kuliah Etika Bisnis dengan Pak Gede Raka, Bapak itu juga pernah membahas tentang 'corporate credo', yaitu filosofi perusahaan yang mendasari karakteristik perusahaan.

Oh iya, Credo itu ada lagunya loh Klo ga salah dalam rangkaian Misa Katolik: Kirye, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, dan Agnus Dei.

Ada juga lagu Credo yang dinyanyiin di Malam Pembukaannya The 3rd Choir Olympics 2004 di Bremen, Germany. Waaaaa... aku terpesona dan terharu waktu dengar namaku disebut-sebut oleh sekian banyak penyanyi dalam choir segede itu (Ahahahaha... narsis mode: ON)

Monday, October 17, 2005

"Neng, Caheum Neng..!!"

Suatu hari di bulan september, di dalam angkot Caheum-Ledeng melalui Taman Sari di antara ITB dan Sabuga, menuju kostku di Cipaganti. Ada 2 orang di bangku depan bersama supir. Yang satu sepertinya teman si supir, Bapak-bapak.. Satunya lagi cewek, berumur sekitar 25-an. Aku duduk di tepat di belakang supir, dengan ada 2 orang lagi duduk di pojok.

Di pintu gerbang belakang ITB itu ada serombongan mahasiswa/i yang berdiri nungguin angkot, sambil ngobrol. Supir angkot-ku memelankan angkotnya dan menghampiri rombongan itu, mengklakson, dan berseru,

"Ledeng.. Ledeng..!" (dgn logat Batak kebetulan =D)
(tak ada reaksi..)

"Ledeng A', Neng!" (memiringkan tubuhnya ke arah rombongan itu)
(tetap ga ada reaksi..)

Akhirnya si Bapak supir meng-gas dan beranjak meninggalkan rombongan itu.
Teman Supir : "Payah, kok diam aja sih.. Bilang ngga kek, geleng kepala kek!"
Cewek depan : "Iya, aneh sekali. Apa susahnya sih geleng kepala aja.. Malah pura-pura ga liat lagi.."
dst..dst.. (pembicaraan berlanjut ke kepekaan sosial dan kepekaan pejabat2 di pemerintahan)

Dalam hati aku setuju dengan mereka. Segitu ga pedulinyakah? Emang sih rombongan itu lagi ngobrol, tapi ga mungkin mereka ga sadar klo si angkot itu dah ada di sebelah mereka. Emang mereka ga menghentikan si angkot, tapi toh ga ada salahnya merespon teriakan si sopir angkot. Justru itu mesti dilakukan. Bukannya justru pura-pura ga liat dan ga denger..

Dan peristiwa kayak gitu ga cuma aku liat sekali itu. Tadi pagi waktu aku baru aja naik angkot Cicaheum-Ciroyom ke kantor (hehe,masih pengguna angkot. BBM mahal dan angkot masih lebih praktis :p) sopirnya berteriak ke seorang cewek di seberang jalan, "Caheum Neng!". Si neng itu, yang tadinya ngeliat angkot, langsung memalingkan wajah.

Yahh, things like those really happen in our society. Kita jangan sampe kayak gitu ya.. (paling ngga yang baca blog ini ya) ^_^

God is watching over us..

Got this from my friendster bulletin board. So I didn't know the real source of this. But it helps to remember that every little annoying thing might lead to something big and good in purpose..
We never know.. So my friends, let's enjoy our life and not always mad at it..

As you might know, the head of a company survived 9/11 because his son started kindergarten.

Another fellow was alive because it was his turn to bring donuts.

One woman was late because her alarm clock didn't go off on time.

One was late because of being stuck on the NJ Turnpike because of an auto accident.

One of them missed his bus.

One spilled food on her clothes and had to take time to change.

One's car wouldn't start.

One went back to answer the telephone.

One had a child that dawdled and didn't get ready as soon as he should have

One couldn't get a taxi.

The one that struck me was the man who put on a new pair of shoes that morning, took the various means to get to work but before he got there, he developed a blister on his foot. He stopped at a drugstore to buy a Band-Aid. That is why he is alive today.

Now, when I am stuck in traffic, miss an elevator, turn back to answer a ringing telephone... all the little things that annoy me, I think to myself, this is exactly where God wants me to be at this very moment.

Next time your morning seems to be going wrong:

The children are slow getting dressed, you can't seem to find the car keys, you hit every traffic light, don't get mad or frustrated: God is at work watching over you.

May God continue to bless you with all those annoying little things
and may you remember their possible purpose.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

As Long as We Got Each Other..

Got this song all over my head since sang it in B'Therman's wedding..
I think the song is very motivational. So I dedicate this song to my friends who's struggling in their work, in their study, in their Final Project, in their service (I mean for the church),
who is sick, who's got sad moments in their life, being left by their loved ones, who feels left alone, everybody...

Especially this one goes to Toman, whose mother will never be close to him physically anymore. May God grant us the serenity to accept things we cannot change.

Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.
Matthew 18:19-20 (NIV)

As Long as We Got Each Other
(Growing Pains)
by Steve Dorff and John Bettis

Show me that smile again
Don’t waste another minute on your cryin’
We're nowhere near the end
The best is ready to begin

As long as we got each other
We got the world spinnin right in our hands
Baby you and me, we gotta be
The luckiest dreamers who never quit dreamin’

As long as we keep on givin’
we can take anything that comes our way
Baby, rain or shine, all the time
We got each other Sharin’ the laughter and love

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Airlines trial technology to allow mobile calls at 30,000ft

quote dr artikel yang di link pada judul..
Two airlines are to introduce technology into their aeroplanes that allows passengers to make in-flight calls, without interfering with the aircraft's systems, reports The Guardian
Terkait juga dengan post-ku di blog ini Bahayanya mengaktifkan ponsel di pesawat

Jadi emang udah ada riset supaya teknologi komunikasi seluler dapat digunakan selama penerbangan. Kita liat aja gimana perkembangan teknologinya. Klo dipikir2 emang untuk penerbangan jarak pendek, matiin HP emang tidak bermasalah. Tapi untuk penerbangan jarak jauh memang perlu dipikirkan orang2 sibuk yg komunikasinya dalam level 'important & urgent'.

Yah, semoga sukses deh orang yg ngembangin teknologi itu. Eh, tapi tetap diingatin klo take off dan landing, alat komunikasi seluler tetap mesti dimatiin :D

ps: Thanks to Basbang for the article

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Gossip gossip evil thing (Socrates' Triple Filter Test)

Singing: "Gossip.. gossip evil thing, much unhappiness it brings. If you can't say something nice, don't talk at all is my advice..."

Yep, that's it.. Too many things happen around us everyday. And usually everybody already know how dangerous a gossip could be. Have seen too many unpleasant things happen just because a little talk over here, a little talk over there.. We might not intend to tell bad things, we might think that it's not harmful, and it's just a kinda joke. But we never know how other people would receive the message, how they would deliver it to other people, and how people would react to that story.. Little thing could become big in a very short time. Over-blown-up! And before you realize it, it's already too big to handle..

I got an article sometime before, and it's a nice one to share to remind us about the power of words and how to use them wisely..

Sorry, I got this story from a community, don't know the real source of the article.
Next time someone starts to spread gossip, think of this:

In ancient Greece (469 - 399 BC), Socrates was widely lauded for his wisdom.

One day the great philosopher came upon an acquaintance who ran up to him excitedly and said, "Socrates, do you know what I just heard about one of your students?"

Wait a moment," Socrates replied. "Before you tell me I'd like you to pass a little test.It's called the Triple Filter Test.

"Triple filter?"

"That's right," Socrates continued. "Before you talk to me about my student let's take a moment to filter what you're going to say. The first filter is Truth. Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true?"

"No," the man said, "actually I just heard about it and..."

"All right," said Socrates. "So you don't really know if it's true or not. Now let's try the second filter, the filter of Goodness. Is what you are about to tell me about my student something good?"

"No, on the contrary..."

"So," Socrates continued, "you want to tell me something bad about him, even though you're not certain it's true?"

The man shrugged, a little embarrassed.

Socrates continued. "You may still pass the test though,because there is a third filter - the filter of Usefulness. Is what you want to tell me about my student going to be useful to me?"

"No, not really..."

"Well," concluded Socrates, "if what you want to tell me is neither True nor Good nor even Useful,why tell it to me at all?"

The man was defeated and ashamed.

This is the reason Socrates was a great philosopher and held in such high esteem.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Semalam aku bermimpi..

Kemarin malam aku bermimpi.. Aku sedang berada di dalam sebuah mobil. Aku duduk di sebelah orang yang mengemudi. Selama perjalanan, kami ngobrol-ngobrol:
"Kasihan sekali. Ibu Isabel berada di pesawat Mandala yang jatuh di Medan awal September kmaren ini.."
"Oh ya?"
"Iya, ibu itu ikut menjadi salah seorang korban meninggal."
"Waah.. Kasihan sekali"
..dan perbincangan berlanjut, dan sampailah aku di tempat tujuan. Turun, dan mengucapkan salam perpisahan...
"Makasih ya, Bu Isabel. Hati-hati di jalan.."

Dan aku terbangun. Terdiam, sambil mengingat-ingat.. Siapa yang kusebut baru meninggal, dan siapa orang yang mengantarku....

catatan: perbincangan yang disebutkan di atas hanyalah bagian dari mimpi dan tidak ada kaitannya dengan kejadian sesungguhnya.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Charlie and The Chocolate Factory

Hey hey.. I watched Charlie and The Chocolate Factory in Cihampelas walk (Ciwalk) yest'day. It's somewhat a relief for me after such busyness some time before (unfortunately there's also a not-so-good story happened related to this watching-event, sadly..). Ah Well, I watched it with B'Rehold, B'Josh, Oclyn, and Hans.

About The movie itself. Humm.. Good story, and hey.. I like Willy Wonka's don't-care-attitude :p I like Charlie's family: Charlie's cynical grandpa, his 'not-so-nyambung' grandma (Georgina, if I'm not mistaken), his enthusiast grandpa Joe, his other grandma (dont' remember). I love the way
Charlie's mom and dad looked at him, seemed wanting to give every good thing in the world but couldn't.

The scene I love best is the one when Willy, along with Charlie, visited Wilbur's house (I want to write "Willy's Father's house" but am not comfortable with those 'over-used' possesive expression :p), picturing a single building left alone in the area covered with snow.

Why I like it best? Early in the previous scenes, when Willy decided to left his father to build his own chocolate factory, his father firmly stated, "When you return, You won't find me here!" (Not the exact words he mentioned). For me, it's like breaking up their father-and-son relationship, neglecting the existence of Willy, stating that Willy and him was on their own from that moment on and alone.

But then in the scene of that single building I mentioned before, I receive the message that what he's saying was just crap and a statement of self-defense. At the deserted area, still at the same position of his own house tagged with -Wilbur Wonka, Dental Practitioner- (again, might not be the exact words ;p), he waited for Willy to return. To make sure that if Willy somehow return, he will still be able to find Wilbur right at the place they separated.

The whole story itself is amusing ^_^ I like it..

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Bahayanya mengaktifkan ponsel di pesawat

Masih terkait dengan peristiwa jatuhnya pesawat Mandala Airlanes di Medan, muncul beberapa dugaan mengenai penyebab kecelakaan itu. Salah satunya itu dugaan sinyal2 ponsel yang mengganggu sistem yang terkait dengan penerbangan sehingga pesawat akhirnya tidak bisa terbang sempurna dan terjadilah kecelakaan.

Beneran juga sih.. Tiap naik pesawat kan ada pemberitahuan dari pramugari/a untuk matiin HP saat melakukan penerbangan.. eh, ato saat take off & landing aja yah?(rada ga ingat jg, tapi aku sih selalu matiin aja selama perjalanan.. Sekali2 asyik juga hidup tanpa interupsi HP :p).

Nah, klo dr apa yg aku liat sendri dan mengingat kebiasaan masyarakat Indonesia, cukup sering juga peraturan di pesawat itu dilanggar. Heran juga.. ntah karena emang ngeyel, ato saking cueknya jadinya ga dengerin si pramugari/a itu ngomong apa..

Berikut ini potongan fakta-fakta gangguan pada penerbangan yang terjadi akibat pengaktifan ponsel di pesawat:
1. Pesawat Crossair dengan nomor penerbangan LX498 baru saja lepas landas dari bandara Zurich, Swiss. Sebentar kemudian pesawat menukik jatuh. Sepuluh penumpangnya tewas. Penyelidik menemukan bukti adanya gangguan sinyal ponsel terhadap sistem kemudi pesawat.

2. Sebuah pesawat Slovenia Air dalam penerbangan menuju Sarajevo melakukan pendaratan darurat karena sistem alarm di kokpit penerbang terus meraung-raung. Ternyata, sebuah ponsel di dalam kopor di bagasi lupa dimatikan, dan menyebabkan gangguan terhadap sistem navigasi.

3. Boeing 747 Qantas tiba-tiba miring ke satu sisi dan mendaki lagi setinggi 700 kaki justru ketika sedang final approach untuk mendarat di bandara Heathrow, London. Penyebabnya adalah karena tiga penumpang belum mematikan komputer, CD player, dan electronic game masing-masing (The Australian, 23-9-1998).
Yahh, semoga sosialisasi tentang hal ini makin baik dan makin banyak orang yang tau tentang bahaya penggunaan ponsel ini. Dan juga semoga orang-orang yang udah tau juga berani untuk mengingatkan orang yang 'bandel' di pesawat (kali aja blom sadar bahayanya..)

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Mandala Airlines Tragedy..

I read the news about Mandala Airline plane crash in
I browse through the mass news about that accident, trying to find list of passenger, to see if someone I know was in the list. The accident happened in Medan, a city where some of my relatives lives. I thank God I didn't find any relative's name in the list. Although I am familiar with the name of the previous Governor of Sumatra Utara, Raja Inal Siregar.

Later that day, I got news via the elefante chorale's mailing list that Toghie's father should've been on board of that crashed Mandala plane. Thank God, he cancelled the flight because he had a class to be lectured.

But then when we're practising some songs for an event in Sesko AU, Lembang ('we' refers to some of my friends from GII Dago Choir and I), we got news from B'Therman
that Dame's mom and sister were on the plane. And both didn't survive.. *Sigh* I am terribly sad..
I got this weird feeling in my stomach and my head.. You know.. It feels terrible knowing that a person you love died.. Having a friend experiencing it brings the same effect.. You just can't ignore it.. Having the thought "What if my ... What if I.."

And this accident reminded me that we people are so close to death.. And remind me that today could be my last day..
My very deep condolences to Dame and also to all family left by their beloved family member..

23:1 Mazmur Daud. TUHAN adalah gembalaku, takkan kekurangan aku.
23:2 Ia membaringkan aku di padang yang berumput hijau, Ia membimbing aku ke air yang tenang;
23:3 Ia menyegarkan jiwaku. Ia menuntun aku di jalan yang benar oleh karena nama-Nya.
23:4 Sekalipun aku berjalan dalam lembah kekelaman, aku tidak takut bahaya, sebab Engkau besertaku; gada-Mu dan tongkat-Mu, itulah yang menghibur aku.
23:5 Engkau menyediakan hidangan bagiku, di hadapan lawanku; Engkau mengurapi kepalaku dengan minyak; pialaku penuh melimpah.
23:6 Kebajikan dan kemurahan belaka akan mengikuti aku, seumur hidupku; dan aku akan diam dalam rumah TUHAN sepanjang masa.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Heran juga ngeliat kelakuan orang-orang Indonesia. Yah, mungkin hal ginian juga terjadi di tempat-tempat lain di seluruh dunia. Tapi kita-kita yang tinggal di Indonesia ini, yang notabene menganut azas praduga-tak-bersalah (ceunah), masih aja sering banget bertindak sebagai hakim yang atas orang lain.

Hmm, ga jelas ya lagi ngomongin apa. Gini deh, coba buka berita dengan judul "Diteriaki Istri Pembunuh, Herawati Pollycarpus Shock"

Link itu merujuk ke berita mengenai perlakuan aktivis-aktivis HAM terhadap istri Polycarpus, tersangka pembunuhan Munir (aktivis HAM juga).
Kutipan sebagian berita di link yang telah diberikan:

Massa juga berusaha menghampiri Polly, tapi petugas kepolisian segera mengamankan Polly dan membawanya keluar dari ruang sidang. Setelah Polly diamankan petugas, mereka mengalihkan sasaran pada istri Polly, Herawati.

eorang aktivis pria berambut panjang menghampiri Herawati dan berkata, "Hei, kamu istri pembunuh!" Para aktivis lainnya, yang berdiri di belakang si gondrong, pun ikut berteriak, "Istri pembunuh! Istri pembunuh!"

Herawati, yang selama mengikuti persidangan suaminya tampak tenang, menjadi shock. Dengan wajah memerah Herawati bangkit dari tempat duduknya. Ia menatap orang-orang yang meneriakinya tersebut sambil berkata lantang, "Terima kasih, terima kasih. Kita buktikan saja nanti!" Wanita berkulit putih yang mengenakan blus warna abu-abu tua dan celana warna gelap itu kemudian menyodorkan tangannya untuk bersalaman.

Tapi si aktivis berambut panjang tidak menyambut ajakan bersalaman, dan hanya menjawab, "Anda akan rasakan nanti kalau Anda menjadi janda juga." Herawati pun kembali membalasnya dengan ucapan terima kasih. "Terima kasih Anda mengatakan itu. Kita buktikan saja nanti," tukasnya.

I have no idea who is right and who is wrong. Whether Polly is one of the murderer of Munir or not. And that is not the point I want to talk about.

Yang pasti, setauku, di saat Polly sedang disidang, belum ada kejelasan apakah dia pembunuh Munir atau bukan. Sampai ada keputusan dari pengadilan, Polly belum bisa dicap sebagai pembunuh oleh publik. Toh, pengadilan sejak dulu sudah disepakati(ingat ya, disepakati) oleh bangsa ini sebagai lembaga yang menentukan keadilan. Jadi betul-betul mengherankan tindakan orang-orang yang mengaku aktivis HAM itu. Mereka sudah terlebih dulu menetapkan Pollycarpus sebagai pembunuh. Yang lebih parahnya, mereka membawa-bawa istri Pollycarpus dalam hinaan-hinaan mereka. Apa seperti itu kelakuan aktivis HAM? Setidaknya salah satu HAM itu adalah kebebasan. Dan aku yakin istri Pollycarpus juga berhak untuk bebas dari tuduhan-tuduhan yang belum tentu benar. Bahkan seandainya pun benar Pollycarpus yang membunuh Munir, istrinya tetap tidak sepantasnya diperlakukan seperti itu. Para 'Aktivis HAM' yang bertindak seperti itu justru sudah menempatkan istri Polly pada posisi yang lebih rendah di mata mereka, sebagai istri (orang yg dituduh sbg) pembunuh.

Mengkhawatirkan kalau orang-orang yang mengaku sebagai aktivis HAM tersebut justru melanggar HAM itu sendiri.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Mecahin Piring WinArt..

Kmaren, setelah latihan Il Elefante Chorale di gedung baru ITB yang bernama Campus Center, gw dan temen-temen berangkat ke WinArt. Ada apakah?

Bang Wenk ulang taun saudara-saudara. Jadi ceritanya kita akan ditraktir makan siang di WinArt (eh, "akan ditraktir" rasanya kurang tepat. Soalnya frase itu diawali dengan bujuk rayu dan intimidasi - tsk tsk! ^_^).

Bareng Rendy (Si Tukang Baso, yang baru bergabung di latian ILE) melangkah menuju mobil K'Rino.

"Endisie, kita sekarang mau kemana?"
"Ke WinArt. Tapi gw ga tau itu dimana."
"Gw belum pernah denger. Yang gw tau cuma WinZip" (tampang sok polos)
"..dan WinAmp," akhirnya gw menambahkan sambil tertawa (menertawakan kenapa gw turut serta dalam kegaringan itu)


Oh ya, by the way.. Aku mecahin satu piringnya WinArt (tampang tak berdosa)

World of lie and taking advantage..

Again.. orang-orang yang berniat iseng ato mencari keuntungan dari orang-orang yang bisa dibodoh-bodohi.

Aku nerima sms yg berbunyi demikian:
Selamat SIMCard anda dpt Grand Prize Rp.15jt, dr Akademi Fantasi Indosiar, ket hub sekretariat AFI: 0813 4290 4199, 0813 4290 4188.

*2 blank screen*
Pengirim: 3977

Sender: +628194163774
Sent: 25-July-2005 12:14:12

Ehm,halooooo... Bahkan kirim sms dukungan ke AFI aja ga pernah.. How could I ever win?? Trus, ini lagi si pengirimnya berasa pinter. Pake nulis-nulis "Pengirim: 3977" setelah 2 blank screen supaya terkesan dikirimkan bukan dengan SIMCard biasa.
Sayang sekali, calon korbanmu ini memakai setting bahasa Inggris. Jadi mestinya, "Sender: 3977" (selain jg nomor SIMCard asli yang jelas terlihat).
Dan wahai pengirim SMS tipuan itu (in case you read this), sbg orang yg tak-sebodoh-yang-kau-kira, terlalu banyak hal-hal yang ngebuat SMS-mu ga ngaruh buatku (huff..huff.. capek jg ngomel2..)

So... Hentikanlah usahamu ini, OK?! Mendingan jualan pulsa kek ato SIMCard. Tentunya anda terbiasa dengan jual beli kartu perdana kan... (wink)

Waktu ku kecil..

Pas buka-buka dokumen lama, aku nemu foto waktu kecil. Ini dulu kayaknya sekitar kelas 5 ato 6 SD. Hehe, lucu juga yaa (mode narsis: ON) dengan kacamata ber-frame gede.

Friday, July 22, 2005

The Taxi Driver..

Hwahahaha, ini lucu banget...

A taxi passenger tapped the driver on the shoulder to ask him a question. The driver screamed, lost control of the car, nearly hit a bus, went up on the footpath, and stopped centimetres from a shop window.
For a second everything went quiet in the cab, then the driver said, "Look mate, don't ever do that again. You scared the daylights out of me!" The passenger apologized and said, "I didn't realize that a little tap would scare you so much. "
The driver replied, "Sorry, it's not really your fault. Today is my first day as a cab driver. I've been driving a funeral van for the last 25 years."

Thursday, July 14, 2005


What's "Pengawas ujian" in English? Hmm.. ini tadi pertanyaannya si Fery. Btw, emang jarang kepake juga kali ya dalam percakapan sehari-hari. Wondering yg manakah yang tepat: supervisor? exam watcher? exam keeper?

Akhirnya setelah konsultasi ke software Babylon (tauk ni, software ini dah ada di kompie. Ga tau source-nya dari mana. So I can't tell you where to look at it guys), didapatkanlah keterangan bahwa kata yang tepat adalah
invigilator : one who supervises students during an examination
OK.. Word of the day

Tombol Power di keyboard..

Tadi pagi.. Selagi bekerja di kantor dengan banyak aplikasi dan file yang dibuka untuk sebuah assignment.. Tiba-tiba tertekanlah olehku sebuah tombol yang nyempil di sebelah kanan atas keyboard. Dan tombol itu adalah tombol: POWER!!

Darn! Kenapa tombol itu harus ada di situuuu!!! @*&#@&!!! Akhirnya harus login lagi, dan membuka satu persatu aplikasi-aplikasi dan file-file yang tadinya dibuka sambil mengutuk-ngutuk sang tombol(hehe.. padahal aslinya cuma diam pasrah.. ).

Tapi begitu pasang status di YM dengan topik sang tombol Power, datanglah pesan-pesan yang menghibur. I'm not the only unlucky guy in the world. Walopun ada saran-saran aneh seperti dr Habib untuk nyopotin aja tombol itu dari keyboard(ceunah Tizar juga sering gituin keyboardnya klo lagi main game ). Tapi kayaknya aku lebih milih saran Velly untuk mendisable tombol itu. Ato paling ngga, supaya ada konfirmasi dulu..

Roller Coaster...

Sekarang aku tau, kenapa aku ga suka naik roller coaster dan kicir-kicir (dan wahana-wahana sejenis di Dufan). Aku rasa aku ga suka kalo aku ga bisa mengontrol diri. Physically and Mentally. Untuk kasus si mainan yang aku ga suka itu, lebih ke secara fisik. Wong di mainan itu aku cuma dibawa, diputer-puter, dimain-mainin, dan dicampak-campakkan (Ok Ok, itu berlebihan ) sama mesin (Hwaaa.. aku heran deh liat Aries yang bisa naik itu berkali-kali).

Don't get me wrong. Aku suka dan mau nyoba kegiatan yg melibatkan adrenalin tingkat tinggi. Asalkan menarik dan menantang dari segi pikiran ato skill psikomotorik. Misalnya meniti tali di ketinggian untuk nyebrang jurang, arung jeram, dll (lagi ga kepikiran). Tapi klo yg cuma pasrah dimainin sama alat ato tali (contoh juga: Bungee Jumping)... hehehehe, sorry I have to turn down your offer. Untuk orang-orang yang kekeuh maksa aku naik wahana-wahana itu, (yeah, one of them is you Toghie ) mungkin kalian bisa buat aku mabuk paksa dulu, ato keroyok rame-rame,ikat, dan dudukkan di wahana itu.

Adios, my friends.. hwahahaha..

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Tepat setahun yang lalu

Hari ini pas setaun setelah keberangkatan tim ITB Cultural Tour 2004-nya PSM-ITB ke The 3rd Choir Olympics 2004 di Bremen, Jerman. Hwiii.. kangen banget sama masa2 itu (hiks, )

Dah setaun berlalu dari masa2 nyiapin keberangkatan ke Bremen.. Persiapan materi musikalitas, penyanyi, latian2, akomodasi, kolaborasi bareng Unit Kesenian Minangkabau ITB, fund-raising, Pre-competition Concert, Pagelaran Kesenian Minangkabau, koreografi, dll dsb yang banyak banget klo mesti dijabarin satu-satu.

Tadi sempat chat sama Fery ttg "hari itu". Dimana anggota tim ICT bersiap2 berangkat ke JKT naik bus, kumpul di gerbang ITB. Dimana pemimpin2 kelompok sibuk nelpon2in anggota kelompokny yg ga muncul2.. Dan si Fery adalah salah satunya (hwahahaha..). Udah gitu, dia dengan suksesnya ninggalin batere rechargable untuk digicam yg dah ku-charge untuk dia.

Potongan obrolan dgn Fery:
fery_phs: tapi kalo jam segini kita mungkin masih makan nasi kotak di bandara...
aquarian_dy: gyhahaha
fery_phs: dan abis itu sibuk ama hp masing2 terutama sim card baru mentari dari sponsor, karena bingung ga bisa sms -> udah di set roaming internasional
fery_phs: ada yg bilang harus diatas berapa ratus ribu lah....
fery_phs: pokoknya isu2 ga jelas, sampai ternyata bisa juga dipake setelah berada di abu dabhi
aquarian_dy: ada yg mencoba2 harus ngapain dengan nomor2 di keypad spy bisa nerima koneksi internasional
aquarian_dy: sampe si abu dhabi, mulai ribut dgn display nama operator(?) yg tampil di layar
fery_phs: dan aku sampe minta dikirim pulsa, tapi harus elektronik, karena mas iman beli yg voucher tapi ga bisa diisi...
fery_phs: terus abis itu aku kebingungan mencari baterai buat kamera, karena dgn bodohnya aku meninggalkan baterai2 itu di kos-an...
fery_phs: padahal kan sebelumnya udah loe isi ulang, nauon...
aquarian_dy: itu emang dogol

Potongan obrolan dengan Jukie:

Marina N.: Sekarang lagi di pesawat yak?
Marina N.: belon nyampe ke abu dhabi
aquarian_dy: iya.. huuu.. sebangku sama elu
aquarian_dy: kyahahaha
Marina N.:
Marina N.: emangnya gw suka sebangku ama elu
Marina N.: tertipu gw tertipu
Marina N.: trus ilis sebangku ama lilis n kejebak bareng di eiffel sekitar 9 hari lagi dari sekarang
Marina N.:

Duh.. kangen banget sama itu smuaa..

Eniwei.. sekarang PSM-ITB mulai siap2 lagi untuk keberangkatan ke The 4th Choir Olympics di Xiamen, China. Hmm, walopun dah bisa dibilang telat ni persiapannya. Semoga pengurus bisa mempersiapkan itu semua selama setahun menuju Xiamen.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Out of the sea.. Wish I could be part of that world..

Jadi ya.. hari ini aku masang status "Singing:Out of the sea.. Wish I could be part of that world.." di Yahoo Messenger. Dan tiba-tiba, ada pop up yang berlanjut menjadi pembicaraan kayak gini(re-arrange so that you people could understand correctly.. ga kayak kami yg sempat mengalami kesulitan komunikasi ):

Bie: What would I give.. if I could live.. out of this.. water..
Bie: what would I pay.. to spend the day warm on the sand..
Bie: (ini juga baru nonton kemaren yeh.. harharhar)
Credo: bukaaan
Bie: betcha on land, they understand, that they don't reprimand their daughters.. (urmm.. son?)
Credo: aku baru denger album "Disney Refresh!". Dan ada Jesssica Simpson yg nyanyi itu
Bie: bright young women (erm.. men?), sick of swimmin', ready to staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand..
Bie: harharhar
Bie: one of the best disney's songs ever written
Credo: you think so?
Bie: iya lah.. lagu2 jaman segitu bagus2
Credo: si Jessica nyanyinya ga gitu bagus..
Credo: tapi lumayanlah
Bie: eeeemm..
Sooo.. What the hell are we talking about? Any of you can guess? you? Maybe the one over there? Well, OK.
Jadi ceritanya aku lagi pasang status yg isinya lirik lagu "Part of That Your World" dari Little Mermaid-nya Disney. ("Gosh, haree genee.." adalah reaksi normal anda,hehehe). Tapi ya itu tadi, aku kebetulan baru dengerin album Disney's Refresh! Dan salah satunya isinya adalah lagu itu, yang dinyanyiin sama Jessica Simpsons. And the song steal my attention (and later, my heart).

Kebayang gitu.. Kalo kita sedang jadi seseorang yang memandang kehidupan orang-orang lain begitu indah.
Sedangkan kita sendiri ga suka dengan kehidupan kita sekarang. Gimana perasaan iri dan rasanya pengen bisa ada di dunia orang lain itu. Dan tadi pas lagi nungguin B'Rehold dan Fery untuk makan siang di kantin AA, aku nyanyiin sepotong ini, "Out of the sea.. Wish I could be part of that world.." dan tiba-tiba muncul perasaan iri yang aneh, yang jg bikin aku heran. Hehehe, mgkn krn lagi sendirian nungguin orang kali yeah. Ato juga karena abis baca bukunya Dave Pelzer yg masa remaja (Duh lupa judulnya..(updated: judulnya The Privilege of Youth) This will be another story Tapi tau kan, si anak yg ngalamin Child abuse)

Kok jadi menyimpang Back to the topic.. Tapi selain rasa iri, aku ngerasa lagu itu juga menimbulkan feeling adanya 'hope' dan suatu saat hope itu akan dicapai entah dengan cara apa.. (Later, still in the chat, K'Bie bilang ada reprise-nya lagu itu yg isinya semacam tekadnya si Ariel gitu deh..).

OK deh.. brarti aku mesti nonton film ini ^_^ (telat banget yaaa.. I can hear youu!!)