Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Lift Canceling Mechanism

I really think Lift Manufacturers should incorporate a canceling mechanism to their products. Or maybe they have, but Roland Holstlaan's lifts don't have that kind of feature.

You know, sometimes people press a wrong floor button unintentionally (Have seen it before), or some people simply do it for fun (their fun, not other's). I think it's handy to be able to press the floor button again to cancel the previous request.

It shouldn't be that hard to implement.. (IMHO)
(Of course with some prerequisites and criteria *programmer minded pisan*)


Unknown said...

Di Departemen Elektro, yang 4 lantai itu, kalo mau batalin lantai, tinggal pencet semua lantai. Dipemberhentian terakhir semua lampu akan mati dan semua permintaan terbatalkan.

Mungkin bisa juga pake cara itu kali ya. Algoritmanya lebih mudah. Cuma kalo ada 40 lantai gimana. Masa semuanya dipencetin atu-atu. Kecuali ada juga opsi "pilih semua"


Credo said...

Lohh, kok aneh jg ya lift di gedung EL itu.

Menurutku algoritma itu malah lebih ribet, krn harus ngecek status semua tombol baru bisa jalanin aksi cancel.

Hahaha, betul tu.Untuk mekanisme yg kubilang, klo jml lantainya banyak, perlu juga tombol Cancel All.