Friday, February 02, 2007

Harry Potter and my TOEFL Test (not the 7th book of course)

I have to thank J.K. Rowling and her "Harry Potter" today.

I had a TOEFL test this morning, and in Section Tree: Reading Comprehension, there was a passage about arithmetical system. Then there was a question, "The word 'hampered' on line blabla will be best replaced with.."

Oh no.. I never heard the word 'hampered' before and none of the options was familiar to me.

Then it came across.. The first option: a) impeded.
Read again, "impeded".

Now.. that started to sound familiar. Ahh, Harry Potter! And his spell 'impedimenta'! That spell --if I'm not very much mistaken-- was somewhat repeatedly used in book 4 (The Goblet Of Fire) and book 5 (The Order Of The Phoenix) to block his enemies. I can't recall whether those enemies were paralyzed or what, but heck, this spell.. err, this word "impeded" might be the answer I'm looking for (since it makes sense for the rest of the sentence.)

I just checked the online dictionary, and my answer is correct. Yayy! :D

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