Wednesday, February 28, 2007

My Trapped Card

That darn ATM didn't return my card

Two days ago, on Monday, I wanted to take some cash from ATM BCA in ITB. It was 6.30 pm and I was supposed to go to MCCS (Why are there so many abbreviation in here.. huh!) rehearsal with K'Rino and Jimbong.

After taking the money and stated that I wanted to finish the transaction (by pressing the appropriate button of course), the card was supposed to be out. But NO! It's stucked there making some ticking noise, as if it was ramming on some blocks trying to break free.
Card: "Noo.. Let me gooo! I want to be with my master!"
Me: "Heyy.. let her go you darn-maniac-machine!!"
Machine: "MUHAHAHA!! Stay inside! You'll never see the sun anymore!"
Card: "Masteeer! Help meee! Heelp!"
Me: "Hang on in there, baby! I'll try to get you out or find someone else to help!" *hitting and kicking the ATM! (no, of course not)*
Enough of that stupid conversation. Fact that is my card is still in the ATM, until some guys from Securicor get it out. Along with some other prisoners (The security officer in ITB said that there are already 18 other guys reporting that their card were stuck inside. Oh my!)

Theme Song: "Give me back my card, you moron machine!!" by: Frustated-Credo.

Dah ngurus ke BCA gimana cara dapatin kartu itu lagi dari Securicor. Dan seorang ibu dan seorang satpam di kantor satpam ITB dah menawarkan akan menghubungiku (by keeping my name and phone number) klo si kartu somehow berhasil kabur dr mesin itu. Si ibu itu nampaknya kasian liat aku yang keringetan di kantor satpam. Padahal mah keringetannya karena abis jalan cepat dari kantor di Raden Patah sampe ke ITB di Ganesha. Ya pantes aja keringetan

Thanks to Pandu yang kebetulan lewat dan membantuku menghubungi Satpam selagi aku nungguin si ATM sialan itu

Kmaren (28 Februari) dah nelpon BCA yg di Jln.Asia-Afrika lagi dan katanya kartu ATM-ku dah ada di sana. Horeee!! Bisa diambil dengan membawa buku tabungan dan KTP. Katanya juga, aku boleh minta kartu itu dikirim ke BCA penerbit di Dago, tapi makan waktu 2-3 hari lagi. Lebih baik kujemput aja deh. Thanks juga untuk Pak Anton, pegawai BCA Dago yang dah sangat membantu dan memberi info akurat. Ga seperti 2 mbak Customer Service yang bikin aku bingung karena info dari mereka berbeda.


Unknown said...

Grin back my carrddd to me.. to meee.... *grin*

Credo said...

Seriously dude,
What happened to you and 'grin'? hehehe..

js said...

Kebayang deh haregene hidup tanpa kartu ATM 8-}
Mmm malah bisa jadi cepat kaya kali ya... soalnya kalau sedang belanja-belanja bayar pake cash itu "lebih kerasa" gitu.

Unknown said...

[crazy mode: on]
[crazy mode: off]

Don't take seriously lah :P

-rino said...

lho, udah dapet belum kartunya?

[biar bisa bayar uang les... hehe...]

Credo said...

@js: Aku selalu pake cash kok :D Ga pernah men-debet. Eh, Cilegonian Devil jg susah hidup tanpa kartu ATM ya, khekhekhe..

@Dee: Hahaha.. emang ngga kok :D Abisnya kayaknya kamu terobsesi dengan lagu My Bonny(ato Bonnie?) tapi beberapa kali menggunakan kata 'grin' *grinning too*

@K'Rino: Hohoho, ada update story Bu. Uang les segera tersedia :p