Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Vocal Rest

I'm very prone to sore throat and flue. And as a person who loves to sing, this is a torture.. Because I find my comfort when I sing songs to myself.

"Can't you just sing in your heart for that?
"Hey.. singing is a physical activity too. Much like sport, which combine a coordination of mind and motions. So, it would be different to just sing without the actual audible voice."

Anyway, unfortunately it happens now. It started last week when I got a sore throat, which I normally treat with Obat Batuk Cap Ibu dan Anak (Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa). It's a Chinese herbal medicine plus honey which I find to be very good to ease the pain of sore throat but not very effective (probably just for me) in curing the cough.

Today, the sore throat got worse as to affect my vocal chord, according to my office doctor. Further symptoms of flue such as cough, break and hoarseness of voice, and runny nose have also apparent.

My office doctor told me to have a vocal rest, meaning no talking (or minimal, if unavoidable) and definitely no singing. Hopefully not for long.

Just a note to myself, I was given :
- Alpara for the fever
- Mucopect 30mg for the cough
- Methylprednisolone for the throath inflammation
- Ciprofloxacine 500mg as the antibiotics.

This is not intended to be a suggestion to others who experience similar symptoms. Please consult your doctor. I think it's a good idea to take note of what kind of medicine we've consumed. I once had allergic reaction to a certain medicine for fever, and up until now I cannot remember the name of that medicine. Pity, because doctors usually ask if we have allergy to any medicine.

Other suggestions to ease the pain of sore throat that I've received are :
- honey
- kencur
- sweet soy sauce (kecap manis) + drops of lemon/lime.

You can try them too or add more practical remedies that work for you in the comment section :)


Anonymous said...

Sore throat-nya pake demam ga kak Aquariandy? aku pernah kena radang tenggorokan parah pas di JKT tahun 2008, demam tinggi, mpe dikira DBD dan harus masuk RS haha..:D
Get well soon, so we can hear your singing again..:D

Credo said...

ada demam sih, tapi biasa aja.
Hehe, thank you :)