Saturday, May 31, 2008

Good bye Laurie..

First time I met her is in my TBI course 5 years ago..
She's my teacher in Manchester class.
A very cheerful and friendly one.
Not even once I found the class boring..

We, her students, gathered at her house several times for fun.
We even met her parents once when they visited her in Bandung..
Lovely parents I would say.

After we were no longer TBI students since we've finished the class,
We were still in touch with her.
I remember the gathering at Ciwalk's Starbucks..

She's still young..
Well.. she always says she's 21
Even after another year's gone by...

Her parents are gonna come to Bandung again soon..
To only have the last glance at her..
I really can't stand imagining how they feel...

Thank you for your life, Laurie..
Good bye and have your rest..
We love you...

(RIP Wednesday 28.05.2008 at 06.20 WIB)


Unknown said...

My condolence for her family.
Hope God give them strength to face this.

ime' said...

orangnya yang mana yah?

yang bule sendiri itu?

turut berduka cita yah...

Lilia said...

What happened?

Credo said...

Thank you all.
Iya, Laurie yang bule sendiri. Meninggal karena cardiac arrest.

Advertise Company said...

what is Good bye Laurie???