Saturday, February 16, 2008

Prague: The Problems

No no.. Not the one with me getting too tired after the concert as I feared before.
Also not the one with Harold getting drunk the night before and woke up the next morning, hastily grabbed all things he could find and stuffed it in his bag. Lucky he didn't forget his passport and could come on time to the Delft Central Station.

The problem is MY STATUS!!
*Sayup2 terdengar: "Heyy, There's nothing wrong about being single"*

Err, that's not the case actually,khekhekhe..

The scene:

*Credo at the airport, confidently approaching the immigration counter, giving his passport and verblijfsdocument to the lady behind the glass*
*The lady opened up the passport, checking my identity and the visa. Found out that the visa was already expired. Switched to the verblijf, looked confused and alarmed*

The Lady: "Mr.Sibuea.." *fixing her eyes to my verblijf again*
Credo: "Ya.." *started wondering*
The Lady: "You are ILLEGAL."
Credo: "Excuse me..?" *shockingly screaming inside: WHAATT?!!*
The Lady: "Based on what I see here in your residence permit, you are illegal." *showing me my verblijf with the text: geldig tot 31-08-07*
Credo: "Wait, but that's not possible. I just came last August. I got the verblijf last September. It can't be expired last August." *checking the bloody verblijf in disbelief.*

Shoot, I should've recognized that long ago. I have checked it once I received it but I thought everything was fine (the text's printed in Dutch btw). How am I supposed to suspect that the they've printed it wrongly. I thought they printed 31-08-07 as the date of application (now come to think of it, I was too naive not to suspect it as an expiration date, d'oh. Moron!)

The Lady: "Well, it is indeed strange. Because the expiration date is before the issued date of this verblijf. You need to go with my colleague to another room for them to do a check."

*Credo exited the scene and followed an officer to other room. Mai accompanied me. Duh, masa harus ga jadi berangkat gara2 ini..*

That officer checked on the system in his room while I was waiting with Mai in other room. We spent time eating some of our butter cakes btw, khekhekhe.. That guy came, oh no.. He asked some questions such as when I came to Netherlands, what my intention of coming, if I worked or not, my address, etc. Finally he said, "There is indeed a misprint in your verblijf. You just have to fixed it as soon as you return from Czech Republic."

Dank je wel then Mr. Officer :) I was happy I could still continue the trip.

Actually, there's a problem again at the gate before entering the plane. The lady officer wouldn't let me get into the plane before she got confirmation from her supervisor about my verblijf problem. But that's allright, I got reason already.

(Soundtrack:"I'm flying.. I'm flying.. I'm flying.." *fade out* --Happy Face by Destiny's Child)
(Photo: the sky of Prague. )

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