Not like AI5, when I had early favorite from the audition (Lisa Tucker & Chris Daughtry), I have no idea how AI6 finalists are gonna be.
Starting with the guys, I'm not happy with them. By that, I intend to say that none showed great performances. I like what Rudy did as the first performer. Some other guys like Blake and AJ are also good. But I like Jarred's voice the most. I'd like to hear more from these guys. I felt really sorry that Rudy was out, actually he did somewhat good.
Gosh, I did think that Sanjaya should be out instead of Rudy, when those two guys were the last to stand there.. I didn't enjoy what Sanjaya performed
As to Paul.. hmm.. He wasn't very good either on the show. But I like his voice and technique when he started singing the reffrain part, which was in higher tone. But his falsetto's not good. I'd like him to stick around some more time. But yeah, he's already eliminated.
Chris Richardson, umm.. I like his voice. But his singing the song "I Don't Wanna Be" reminded me too much of Elliot Yamin's. Is that the reason why I like his voice? khekheke, don't know. We'll see later.
And who is the bald one? Phil Stacey if I'm not mistaken. So reminding me of Chris Daughtry. But not as good.
Nick Pedro was okay that night, although he's too adequate. I don't remember Chris Sligh, Brandon Rogers, and Sundance Head performance.
Next one with the girls.
Waaw, I'm amazed by the girls. Most of them are very good. Stephanie Edwards got my admiration first (she was the first performer anyway
Melinda, Lakisha, and Jordin were also great that night. They have the voice and I hope their physical appearance will not disadvantage them.
Sabrina has a great technique. She did some maneuvers in her singing that showed her singing ability. Though I wasn't really fond of her thin voice, I do like to hear more from her.
I like what Amy Krebs did that night. She sounded good. Not 'wow' but still good enough for me. While she was singing , I noted some parts of the song that she sang really well that would not be that successful if she didn't have good technique. So sad that she was out. I'd like to hear more of her actually. She had better performance compared to some other girls' that night.
Antonella Barba.. I don't know. I didn't like what she did that night. She was pitchy as I recall and yeah, Simon was right that 'I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing' was way too big for her.
Gina Glocksen and Leslie Hunt was okay for me. But Alaina was horrible. So was Nicole. I don't know what to say about Haley. I don't remember her. Not very bad, but not good either.
Based on their last performance, Alaina should be gone instead of Amy. Ohh Amy..!!
In my opinion, the most 'wow' performance was Lakisha. For the guys, I only remember the 'copy' of Justin Timberlake (forget his name), because he has so much similarity with Justin *grin*
Hoe, aku malah belum jadi nonton sama sekali Credo... :((
Sebal, dah nonton Global dari siang sampai sore kok ga nongol2, pindah jam tayang kah?
Btw, Sanjaya? Agak2 India gitu? Ganteng kayak Mohinder ga :X
Oh ya lupa, moga-moga nggak kayak Sanjaya yang itu tu >:)
Katanya ada 2x tayang ulang mbak Sri. Siang di RCTI dan malam di Global TV ceunah. Tapi ga tau juga ya, blom pernah sih :p
Ada yang tau?
Btw, Aku mengerti Sanjaya mana yg dirimu maksud, khekhekhe >:) Ada komentar ga Masanjaya? ;)
lakisha nyanyi and im telling you, mirip jhudson or jholiday.. i was wondering, mungkin ini lagunya aja yg powerful hehe.. tp lakisha top abis..
haha.. sanjaya malakar, sanjaya ma, MA sanjaya.. :))
ehm ehm... :-"
Thx Joey, dah liat Sanjaya Malakar di hwa hwa... cenderung mirip ke MA Sanjaya daripada Mohinder Sanjaya eh Suresh
Hwahaha.. Setelah dipikir-pikir, MA Sanjaya makin mirip Sanjaya Malakar waktu rambutnya masih panjang ya.. khekhekhhe..
ehm... ehm... ehm... ehm...
tapi mending nyanyi daripada ngoding...
keren2 juga comment-nya bang, rada2 mirip randy jackson nih. nanti malem kan episode top 20, tapi sbenernya udah tau siapa2 yg out dr hr jumat kemarin.
Oiya kalau belum tau yg di global tv itu hr minggu jam 7 malam, tapi anehnya minggu kmarin malah tayang skitar jam 12 siang, karena malamnya ada siaran langung bola.
emang chris richardson dmn miripnya sama eliott yamin yah? penasaran deh gue. org2 laen pd ngomong kaya gitu jg soalnya. could you enlighten me about this? gue ga nonton season 5 jadi ga tau si yamin kaya gmn, huhu.
thanks in advance. :)
The rule is, that if your under 18, your parent HAS to go to the audition(which i dont understand because the auditions are during the week and thats when people have to work).
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