Friday, March 28, 2008

Social Friday Event (Bingo)

Almost every Friday, TU Delft arrange Social Friday Event with various themes, either in the sport center or the cultural center. We already had Journey to Africa, Sweet Valentine Party, Chinese New Year Dumpling party, Karaoke Night, Casino Night, Winter Wonderland, Movie Night, Sinterklaas, Indian Navratri, and so on.

I usually come together with other Indonesian students. But this night, I didn't really want to go. Apart from it was just raining (mana ujhyan, ga ada ojhyek, bechyek bechyek.. ), I still got 2 assignments for a course, due next Monday.

However, Rizky insistently persuaded me to come (using ridiculous persuasion a.k.a rayuan gombal yg bikin ngakak.. kakakakk ). Ohh, nasyib.. Lemah terhadap org2 yg kekeuh.

This night theme was Bingo Night. To make the game more interesting, the committee had provided 5 Bingo sets, 1 mp3 player, and 1 iPod nano for 7 rounds of game. So there I was.. In the sport center with Rizky, Tungky, and Guo Yan (Charles), wondering how I could win such a luck game (since I don't consider myself a lucky guy).

And there I was (again), receiving the first round prize, hahahaha.. A set of Bingo game. First one to win. I'm a lucky guy, now I think I am Although, not as lucky as Amin who won the last round, getting the iPod khekhekhe.

Apparently, I have to thank Rizky for forcing me to come. Apart from winning one of the prize, I really had fun Sometimes it's not bad to give in to instinct rather than rationality (but now I really have to work hard, maybe overnight , hehehe.. ).

(Ahh, when I walked down the corridor to my room, there was a guy smoking marijuana.. Ugh, hate the smell)


ime' said...

i don't really know how to play bingo :D hehehehe...

gimana sih mainnya?

Anonymous said...

Jadi menang gak tuh :D

lite said...

ihiii, jadi dapet hadiah apa, ndy?
i never really know how to play bingo either *shrugs*

Anonymous said...

aduh bingo... ini kan maenan orang2 manula :p

Credo said...

@Ime: hahaha, ga pake mikir deh pokoknya mainnya. Tinggal nandain angka yg keluar.. :D

@Koko: Menang dong :D

@Lite: Hadiahnya spt disebut di postingan. Seperangkat alat main bingo, hahaha.. Recursive ni jadinya :p

@Mer: Gyahaha.. ya apa boleh buat, ini yg disediakan TUD untuk malam itu :p

Anonymous said...

gw gak diajak

Franciskus dan Poppy said...

bang, ga niat aja dpt hadiah
apalagi diniatin datangnya, ipod dibawa pulang deh..hehehhehee