Friday, March 28, 2008

Social Friday Event (Bingo)

Almost every Friday, TU Delft arrange Social Friday Event with various themes, either in the sport center or the cultural center. We already had Journey to Africa, Sweet Valentine Party, Chinese New Year Dumpling party, Karaoke Night, Casino Night, Winter Wonderland, Movie Night, Sinterklaas, Indian Navratri, and so on.

I usually come together with other Indonesian students. But this night, I didn't really want to go. Apart from it was just raining (mana ujhyan, ga ada ojhyek, bechyek bechyek.. ), I still got 2 assignments for a course, due next Monday.

However, Rizky insistently persuaded me to come (using ridiculous persuasion a.k.a rayuan gombal yg bikin ngakak.. kakakakk ). Ohh, nasyib.. Lemah terhadap org2 yg kekeuh.

This night theme was Bingo Night. To make the game more interesting, the committee had provided 5 Bingo sets, 1 mp3 player, and 1 iPod nano for 7 rounds of game. So there I was.. In the sport center with Rizky, Tungky, and Guo Yan (Charles), wondering how I could win such a luck game (since I don't consider myself a lucky guy).

And there I was (again), receiving the first round prize, hahahaha.. A set of Bingo game. First one to win. I'm a lucky guy, now I think I am Although, not as lucky as Amin who won the last round, getting the iPod khekhekhe.

Apparently, I have to thank Rizky for forcing me to come. Apart from winning one of the prize, I really had fun Sometimes it's not bad to give in to instinct rather than rationality (but now I really have to work hard, maybe overnight , hehehe.. ).

(Ahh, when I walked down the corridor to my room, there was a guy smoking marijuana.. Ugh, hate the smell)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Assignmentku selesai!!

Assignmentku nampak udah selesai.. Aku baca pelan2.. "Eh, tapi tadi tugasku kan belom selesai? Apa ini mimpi.." Berusaha mengingat2 isi dokumen itu untuk dituliskan di dokumenku (ngarep2 gitu)..

Yaaah, pas betul2 terbangun, ternyata emang lupa.. (dan si assignment sialan itu emang masih belum kelar)

--Ugghh... Mimpi yang betul2 keterlaluan.. memberi harapan palsu--

Monday, March 24, 2008

Miss Saigon

I never watched Miss Saigon before.. But I have the soundtracks thanks to this guy's collection
I have only heard Sun and Moon repeatedly since I had them. That's the only song I know from a concert.. (Hmm, konsernya sapa ya? Yang ada K'Kia)

But today, while working on my module 4 of Technology and Strategy assignments, I listened to those tracks again. I just realized how moved I was by them. I was easily attracted to "The Heat Is On In Saigon", "I Still Believe", "This Is The Hour", "The Revelation" (As far as I can remember). "Please", "The Fall of Saigon", "Room 317", and "The Confrontation" sounded emotional.

I couldn't stop grinning on "What A Waste"

"Hey boy, you want to try my girls, try my girls, haa!"
"Come on guys, check my girls, haa"
"You like what you see, haa, yaa.."

Hahaha, so naughty..

I gotta see the movie soon to check whether my impression on those songs were correct with the scenes.

Lea Salonga's voice is surely beautiful. I once watched her audition for Miss Saigon, singing "Sun and Moon". She had a very good range but I was automatically impressed on her low note(see bold text) when she sang "We have been blessed you and I.." (I checked the video every now and then just to hear that note)

The panel were obviously looked impressed after the audition

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Hari ini lucu
Paskahnya bersalju

*yeap, pas lagi kebaktian tiba2 turun salju.. Pas Natal malah ngga*
Ntar ada lagu baru: I'm dreaming of a white Easter.. khekhekhe..

Friday, March 21, 2008

Ehehe.. ngikutin Habib bikin comic strip..
Dibuat berdasarkan percakapan malam ini.. Heee :D
(Klik gambarnya biar lebih jelas..)

Ps: Lucu jg ini :D

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Chest X-Ray

A: Ehh, mo kemana? Kok dandanannya keren banget?
B: Kan mo foto bo
A: Emangnya foto apa?
B: X-Ray
A: ??!!

Heahaha, jadul bgt ga sih ini joke-nya.. :p

Beberapa hari lalu ada surat dr TU Delft yang nyuruh mahasiswa2 internasional yang (dicurigai :p) penyakitan untuk ikut Chest X-Ray lagi. 6 bulan lalu sih udah, tapi emang disuruhnya rutin. Ketat banget ya..

Udah nempel suratnya di board di kamar, udah ngingetin teman dr Thailand untuk ga lupa bawa passport jg tgl 19 Maret.

Pagi ini dengan santainya, ngangkut cucian kayak mbok2 ke tepi sungai.. eh, ke lantai bawah :D Lewatlah si Alex, bocah Ethiopia.

"Andy, aren't you going to take the Chest X-Ray?"
"Eh, mangnya tanggal brapa skrg? Arrgh.. tanggal 19!!" *panik*

Untung cuciannya udah kelar dan ketemu Alex sekitar 45 menit sblom jadwal check-nya abis. Ngangkut cucian ke kamar, dan brangkat ke kampus. 10 menit perjalanan ke kampus naik sepeda, checknya beberapa detik di GGD van dekat Aula, pulang lagi 10 menit. Untung rumah dekat,hehehe..

Layanannya cepat, ga tau kenapa anak2 internasionalnya ga banyak yg nongol. Kata si ibu petugas, dr 200 yg ditunggu yg muncul baru 50an. Daripada harus ke Den Haag untuk ikut check susulan, mendingan ikut jadwal di kampus, hehehe :D

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Roti keringku

Karena malas masak nasi, aku lebih sering mengandalkan roti dan mie (eitts, bukan mie instant ya) untuk bertahan hidup..

Dulu biasanya beli roti tawar untuk bikin sandwich dengan berbagai variasi isi: telor dadar, tuna salad, egg salad, rundvlees salade (apa ya terjemahannya, salad sapi? eh, salad daging sapi), lembaran keju, botterhamworst, Schouderham, ato Kipfillet. Tentunya dengan ditemani mayonaise dan sambal ABC extra pedas, hehehe.

Atau kalau lagi pengen yang manis, pake selai apel (jarang2 sih), dan Vruchtenhagel (khasnya Belanda jg, ceunah mahh).

Masalahnyaaa... Roti tawar yang kubeli klo dibiarkan kena udara kamar sebentar aja, udah langsung kering dan jadi keras. Makanya akhirnya aku beralih ke Witte Bollen ato Puntjes (yg bentuknya kayak roti buat hamburger atau hotdog) yang lebih empuk dan awet empuk..(aiiyahh)

Tapi kemaren abis makan roti itu, aku lupa nutup plastik bungkusnya.. Pas ngeh, udah keras de rotinya.. Karena kesal, kutaburin gula aja.. Setelah ditinggal lebih lama, akhirnya jadi kayak bagelen kering, heahahahaha Kering dan renyah..

Boleh juga ni dibuat dengan sengaja.. Tapi lain kali dicoba pake olesan margarin ato selai jg kali ya.. Ga perlu oven, cukup dgn mengandalkan udara Belanda.

PS: Jangan2 bagelen kering di bandung (dan luar bandung) itu adanya karena orang Belanda yg main2 (baca: menjajah) ke Indonesia ya?

Saturday, March 15, 2008

New Language in Friendster

I don't know since when Friendster has had an Indonesian language as one of its language settings.

I just noticed it and decided to give it a try. The translation is okay in general, but I couldn't help laughing seeing my status: a translation of 'single' (see image)

Well, if I'm asked what a better translation for 'single', I really have no idea.. I think that one is already the closest, but still, I can't stop grinning...
Come to think of it, it really is a funny word (at least that's what I think when I tried to pronounce it)

Other translations:
In a relationship : Ada hubungan khusus
Domestic partnership: Pasangan dari Dalam Negeri
Already your friend: Telah menjadi teman anda
You have 25 friends in common: Anda memiliki 25 teman sehobi *terjemahan yang aneh. Kok 'sehobi'*

(I'm not gonna list them all)

Any Indonesians, can you come up with other translation to 'single'? Jangan bilang 'singgel'

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Tips: Jangan memasak saat lapar

Iya.. Jangan masak waktu (sangat)lapar..

Mie China-ku malam ini kurang matang (agak keras) dan daging cincangnya agak gosong.. Ya iya sih, masak untuk makan malamnya udah jam 22.30 sepulang dari latian Krashna Musika, huehehe..

NB: Yahh, mungkin tipsnya ga berlaku buat orang lain, hehee. Untuk yang pernah masak pas lagi (sangat)lapar juga, gimana hasilnya? :D