Saturday, March 24, 2007

Hwaa.. My Stephanie Edwards..!

NOOOOOO!!! My lovely Stephanie Edwards!! Hwaaaaa... :((:((:((
See the article here..

I'm just gonna go to my room and cry my eyes out.. :(( (Now, that's what we call hyperbolic :P)

Based on what I saw in YouTube, she didn't perform very good indeed. Just adequate vocal performance for me, except that I love her face expression. Oh, but her delivering the song is not convincing though. I mean, face expression is okay, but what I heard was not touching. I didn't really feel her emotion. Hwaaa, Steph..

Eh, anyway, by the way, busway, zimbabwe.. I don't usually write about AI before it's aired in RCTI. But since I'm in Kuala Lumpur and couldn't watch RCTI, luckily get fast internet connection, I watch the clip from YouTube. I can't help writing about Steph's elimination before it's aired in Indonesia.

But then again, I really am upset that Stephanie got eliminated..! She was the person I've always been waiting for in each episode since top 24. She did not always deliver great performances, I know. But I think she has the potential and can be superb and I can't wait to see her grow in every episode.. But now I think I can only see her growing in real life, not reality show. Go make it big, girl! I mean BIG so that your success will also be reported in Indonesia :D

Here's the last song she sang on Idol:

You Don't Have To Say You Love Me

When I said I needed you
You said you would always stay
It wasnt me who changed but you
And now youve gone away

Dont you see
That now youve gone
And Im left here on my own
That I have to follow you
And beg you to come home?

You dont have to say you love me
Just be close at hand
You dont have to stay forever
I will understand
Believe me, believe me
I cant help but love you
But believe me
Ill never tie you down

Left alone with just a memory
Life seems dead and so unreal
All thats left is loneliness
Theres nothing left to feel

You dont have to say you love me
Just be close at hand
You dont have to stay forever
I will understand
Believe me, believe me

You dont have to say you love me
Just be close at hand
You dont have to stay forever
I will understand
Believe me, believe me, believe me


Anonymous said...

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Bie said...

Hey.. Deepest condolences.. How's Malaysia.. Enjoy youtube.. Is it allowed to access porn sites in Malaysia??

Anonymous said...

Iya gak nyangka juga, walau apapun bisa terjadi di AI. Memang suaranya lumayan bagus, tapi kayanya dia kurang punya ciri khas, saya sih ngeliatnya bener2 kaya beyonce style. Tapi gak masalah selama jagoan (Chris Richardson, Lakisha John, Mellinda Doolittle & Phil Stacey)saya belum kluar. He..He..He..

LadyRinn said...

Err... Bie, the answer is no, we are not allowed to access porn sites over here... BTW, I love ur blog, besides Andy's. :p

lite said...

Waduh, ndi, daku ngga tau sapa itu steph edwards ^^ hueee..ketinggalan jaman banget deh ih. tapi turut berduka cita yaaa :(
daku kemaren yg sempet diikutin malah DSDS (Deutschland sucht den superstar), versi AI-nya Jerman. ada cowo yg nyanyinya keren banget deh ih. Mark Medlock. kayanya ada di youtube tu kalo dicari. sayangnya sekarang udah g bisa liat lagi hiks hiks :(
waaa, di KL! sibuk, ya, ndi? sukses ya!!! ;)

Unknown said...

Yang penting Melinda dan Lakisha belum keluar. dudududu....

Credo said...

@rockers rock: I thought I've enable the verification system :-?

@Bie: Huhuhu, Stephanie.. Thanks. If it's not allowed, we can break them, can't we? ;)

@Nanda: Yah, you're right about Steph. Walo aku melihat potensinya :) Mgkn blom saatnya dia kali ye. Skrg aku jagoin Melinda & Jordin utk ce dan Blake & Chris R utk co :D

@Rinn: Ahahaha, thanks for the info :D Denger tuh K'Bie, khikhikhi..

@Lite: Haii Uchi! Hmm, patut disearch deh Mark nya :D Sekarang dah balik ke Bdg lagi kok Chi. Thanks :D

@Dee: Khekhekehe. Klo itu sih setuju :D

Unknown said...

emang agak syinting tuh orang-orang amerika. Gua aja ampe berdoa-doa ke Tuhan supaya si Steph itu bisa berbuat baik bagi kemanusiaan dengan talentanya. Eh malah di Eliminasi. Gua mogok nonton AI minggu itu.

Terus dong minggu ini yang keluar si Chris Sligh inspite of Sanjaya. Syinting. Si Simon ampe bilang gini: "apapun yang kami katakan, gak bakal mempengaruhi perolehan suaramu Sanjaya". Weirdo. Gak berkelas banget.

btw lagi lagunya si Elliot Yamin melesat ke #3 lho di Billboard. Keren banget yah...

Bie said...

setelah bertahun-tahun gak konek..

err .. maksud gue sih ndc is it allowed maksudnya when it's not allowed not morally or lawfully, tapi lebih yang does-the-government-block porn-sites-over-there not allowed. :)

Ergo, ladyrinn, thanks tons for the answer. And what a nice compliment! *sheepish*

Credo said...

@Sahatbo: Ahahaha.. sampe mogok segala :D
Aku udah ga tlalu peduli dgn keberadaan si Sanjaya.. Hoho, tapi masih peduli sama Haley (selalu berharap dia bisa tampil bagus. Kasian sih :D)

Aku dah donlot clip "Movin' On" dan "Wait For You" dr YouTube. Love both. Yg mana yg #3?

Dah denger album Chris Daughtry? He topped #1.

@Bie: I got the same perception kok waktu baca comment mu :D