Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Charlie and The Chocolate Factory

Hey hey.. I watched Charlie and The Chocolate Factory in Cihampelas walk (Ciwalk) yest'day. It's somewhat a relief for me after such busyness some time before (unfortunately there's also a not-so-good story happened related to this watching-event, sadly..). Ah Well, I watched it with B'Rehold, B'Josh, Oclyn, and Hans.

About The movie itself. Humm.. Good story, and hey.. I like Willy Wonka's don't-care-attitude :p I like Charlie's family: Charlie's cynical grandpa, his 'not-so-nyambung' grandma (Georgina, if I'm not mistaken), his enthusiast grandpa Joe, his other grandma (dont' remember). I love the way
Charlie's mom and dad looked at him, seemed wanting to give every good thing in the world but couldn't.

The scene I love best is the one when Willy, along with Charlie, visited Wilbur's house (I want to write "Willy's Father's house" but am not comfortable with those 'over-used' possesive expression :p), picturing a single building left alone in the area covered with snow.

Why I like it best? Early in the previous scenes, when Willy decided to left his father to build his own chocolate factory, his father firmly stated, "When you return, You won't find me here!" (Not the exact words he mentioned). For me, it's like breaking up their father-and-son relationship, neglecting the existence of Willy, stating that Willy and him was on their own from that moment on and alone.

But then in the scene of that single building I mentioned before, I receive the message that what he's saying was just crap and a statement of self-defense. At the deserted area, still at the same position of his own house tagged with -Wilbur Wonka, Dental Practitioner- (again, might not be the exact words ;p), he waited for Willy to return. To make sure that if Willy somehow return, he will still be able to find Wilbur right at the place they separated.

The whole story itself is amusing ^_^ I like it..


Bie said...

Gee, yeah (baca: jieeehhhh..)!! First movie review ya.. Harharhar..

Eh kali aja nggak ya.. :p

Glad you like it. Baca bukunya juga, lebih absurd. 8-}

Mike said...

Well, too bad I couldn't find a person who want to watch it with me. :((

Bie said...

nonton sendiri dong ah. (loh kok ini jadi berkorespondensi di blog orang? maap, maap.. Heheheh..)

Credo said...

@Bie: Iya ni.. jadi pengen baca bukunya..

@Mikey: Mikey blom nonton nonton ya? Kirain udah, kan biasanya lebih maniak ^_^

@Bie: Huehehe.. gapapa.. kan aku jg jadi bisa ikutan :p

Anonymous said...

ehmmm coklatnya aja deeeh :D

Anonymous said...

ehmmm coklatnya aja deeeh :D