Sunday, January 18, 2009

Comic Strip - Mpuz's New Room

Comic strip based on the comic characters defined by HabsQ and true experience of both real-life characters
Please welcome.. The Daily Life of Mpuz the Cat & Cred the Bear!! (and we're waiting for the real art by HabsQ )

\Mpuz's New room\

This is the sketch by habsQ (aku taro sini ya Bib! haha, blom diiyain udah majang :D)

I think it's a lot cuter than the strip. Well.. I'm not that chubby, but it's okay for now.. hahahaha


Ismail Habib said...

Whahahaha.... keren-keren!!

Kalo ntar banyak penggemarnya kita bikin jadi cerita bersambung Cred :P Cuma buatku masih ada satu masalah: aku harus ngegambar pake mouse, makanya garis-garisnya agakgimana gitu...

Credo said...

Beli tablet PC, Bib.. khikhikhi.

cheap homemade gift ideas said...

How many Black comic strip cartoonists have reached syndication ?

mothers day flower said...

Great room is single living room area. Usually the area is separated from the kitchen with by a breakfast or low counter top. The dining area is also included in this one large space.

Advertise Company said...

Yoour website is better then other..

Advertise Company said...

wonderfully webpaging....

mothers day flower said...

If you could provide names of the cartoonists that would be cool too. Also, a list of Black comic strip artists would help my cause.