Thursday, November 08, 2007

Our prayer

Minggu lalu di gereja bacaannya tentang doa dari Sirach 35:12-17. Aku ga tau Sirach ini kitab apa. Dari hasil search google, ternyata kitab Sirach itu sama dengan Ecclesiasticus. Aku berasumsi Ecclesiasticus itu sama dengan Ecclesiastes ato Pengkotbah dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Tapi di Alkitab, jumlah pasal Pengkotbah itu ga sampe 35. Hmm, agak bingung juga. Update: Ternyata Ecclesiasticus ga sama dengan Ecclesiastes(Pengkotbah).

Dari hasil googling yang lain, kayaknya kitab Sirach ini salah satu kitab Deuterokanonika yang ga masuk ke dalam Alkitab. Gereja yang sekarang di Delft emang gereja Oikumene, gabungan berbagai denominasi Protestan dan Katolik.

Anyway, berikut ini bagian dari reading itu:
Serve The Lord willingly, and The Lord will accept you; your prayers will reach the skies. The prayer of a humble person pierces the clouds and keeps on going until it reaches The Lord Most High, where it stays until He answers by seeing that justice is done and that the guilty are punished.

My prayer goes to you my dear friend and your father who is fighting against Lung Cancer.

Btw, di luar berangin badai.. Seems like I have to check myself whether I really want to serve The Lord willingly by going to church choir rehearsal tonight by bike, facing the piercing cold wind and the possibility of heavy rain. We really are not suppose to only ask :) Okay, I know I will.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Minta izin dulu nih.. komentarnya OOT :P

Wow ternyata sekarang udah jalan-jalan jauh banget ya. Hehe.. kunjungan setelah sekian lama nih. Tapi tenang... udah di-skimming smua post yang blon dibaca.