Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Emotional, Intelligence, Physical

I take this so called visual personality test at Facebook.. I have to choose one picture from a set of pics to describe a topic. The result is quite correct I think :) Here goes the result..

Your Visual Personality

About Me

Friends and family are the most important people in your life. You're good about keeping track of birthdays, people appreciate that you care about them.

You have a naturally curious mind. If there's something new that you want to learn, you're not afraid to ask questions or investigate on your own.

If the weather is nice, you like walking around your neighborhood. Going to the farmer's market or park is how you prefer to get in physical activity.


Anonymous said...

wah, keren banget kata-kata about me nya mas. Tulisan-tulisan yang di bawahnya juga keren-keren. Oh iya, saya juga ikut paduan suara di kampus saya, ITB, tapi gak pernah dateng lagi cz males+sibuk.. Saya juga suara tenor, tapi katanya tenor 2, yang suaranya gak seberapa tinggi.. hehe..salam kenal ya mas.. jangan lupa mampir ke blog saya di

Credo said...

Hahaha.. Itu kan bisa2-nya aplikasi visual personality test itu. Tapi iya sih, aku emang keeping track of my friends' b'day. Sama suka jalan2 ke tempat yg kayak park gitu, menikmati cuaca & lingkungan jg :D

Tenor PSM-ITB? hahaha.. sama dong :p
Salam kenal jg Yoto.

ime' said...

link-nya mana?

Credo said...

Aku sih mengaksesnya di URL

Tapi mestinya sih add application TopFriends dulu di Facebook, baru bisa ngakses testnya deh.. Aku ga tau apa ada testnya yg bisa diakses dari luar FB/TopFriends