Saturday, March 19, 2005

What happened on Saturday?

hmm hmm..
Things that happened on Saturday.. Well, Sorry dulu seblomnya.. bahasa yg dipake lagi campur2.. masih seenaknya.. :p harap maklum.. tergantung mood ^_^

Woke up around 8. Prepared my stuff to be posted to JKT. Leaving for Post Office (after taking a bath for sure). But on the way, I decided to stop by Basket ball court @ Sabuga. Just watching my colleagues playing.

Heh, at the Post Office I met a Math guy who was sending the same stuff I sent, particularly to the same PO BOX. God bless u and me O:-)

Then heading to Toghie's house and getting bored waiting for him n Fery to arrive. Huff, fortunately they brought lots of 'gorengan' to eat..err, shoul I say unfortunately? b'coz I already had chicken porridge and strawberry milk for brunch. Hehe.. spent about 2 hours sleeping there.. Then we headed to GII Dago. Biasaaa.. latian PS buat kebaktian 2.

Later after the practice.. Heading to GKPI (jalan naon nyak') to do some survey of possibility and availability of the church to be used for choir concert.. Lumayan sih akustiknya. cuma kayaknya kapasitas penonton yg bisa ditampung cuma dikit. Bisa nampung 50an mobil, tapi parkir di jalan :p Btw, kmaren itu perginya bareng Jukie, Acid, Charles, dan vina..Foto HKBP Jln. Riau

Next, to HKBP Jl.Riau. Tapi krn spertinya lagi ada acara, ya dibatalkan. Abis itu, pulanglah kami.. Eh, tapi dengan Vina dan Charles pergi makan dulu ke Asmad (dah lama ngga).. biasaaa.. nyari mun tahu ato fuyung hai ^_^

Abis tu pulang deh dan nonton VCD Friends yg dipinjemi Jukie. Oh iya, Desy ada wawancara di Ciwalk untuk Gatra.. congratz ya.. ditemenin serombongan makhluk: Fery, Toghie, Saut, B'Josh, Oclyn, Hans, Yona, dan Anggi.

That's what happened on Saturday, 18 March 05

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