Thursday, March 31, 2005

Test.. test..

Hasil test nih.. tnyata gw agak ga normal :)) not such an ordinary guy

You Are 45% Normal

(Somewhat Normal)

While some of your behavior is quite normal...

Other things you do are downright strange

You've got a little of your freak going on

But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself

Ini lucu jugaa ^_^


Aquarius Love Profile

Your positive traits:
You've got a ton of friends, so you have no problem meeting new people.
You're great at thinking up new things and actitives to do with your sweetie.
You tend to let the little things slide in relationships... and focus on the bigger picture.

Your negative traits:
In relationships, it tends to be your way or the highway.
You can never open up completely to someone - you have to keep parts of yourself secret.
You're cold and reserved, which leaves your partner feeling unloved.

Your ideal partner:
Flexible, because you're not going to be the one to compromise!
Is smart and quirky with lots of weird interests... including you.
A true individualist who doesn't care what anyone thinks

Your dating style:
Stimulating. You prefer dates that explore a shared interest - like a lecture, muesum tour, or concert.

Your seduction style:
Wacky. Your wild ideas have your lover wondering what's next.
Insatiable - it takes a lot to satisfy your desires.
Varied. You're eager to try things as soon as you learn about them.

Tips for the future:
Bring a little responsibility to your relationship - like showing up for dates!
Compromise a little. It would kill you to do things your lover's way for once.
Be aware of your parnter's jealousy. Even though you aren't jealous, realize your partner is sometimes.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

What a busy Sunday

Move on to Sunday.. Another busy day. Getting up early at 6 o'clock to prepare myself to go the church. Yah, agak2 ngaco waktu nyanyi 'No More Night'-nya.

Anyway.. abis gereja rencananya mo fotoan bareng di Pinus Foto Studio sama TUCIKUTIL Voices kumpul jam 11 di gereja. Tapi spt biasa, makan brg dulu, kali ini di Ayam Bakar Taman Sari. Huff.. dah lama ga ke sana, puas jg ^_^ (Sayang Andrew ga ikut). Trus, sempat2nya foto2 dulu di situ dan di depan Sawung Galing. Sambil jalan menuju gereja, tetap aja foto2 di sekitar jalan layang Pasupati..

Tnyata oh tnyata.. Megaaa.. kenapa dirimu tak terhubungi dan tak datang di tempat janjian.. Tnyata lagi error Mentari-nya..
Ya udah.. dari rencana jam 11, akhirnya baru ke Pinus jam 1-an. Di Pinus, slagi nunggu giliran tetap aja foto2,hyahaha.. Intermezzo.. Kost-an Dana tnyata dekat situ dan lewatlah dia bareng temannya.

It turned out that the photo session at Pinus will a memorable experience. Dasar anak2 dgn kelakuan minus. Ngeliat wig2 dan berbagai benda dalam studio, langsung kambuh gilanya.. Tapi bagus2 banget hasil fotonya (senaang ^_^)

Next, pindah tempat ke KubSel. Istirahat. Sblom akhirnya ke gereja lagi untuk PMPI. Lagu 'Sinarkan Terangmu' itu keren banget sebenarnya klo dah jadi. Ohoho.. wait, sblom mulai PMPI kita makan makanan 'haram' dulu, wahaha.. enaknya..

Abis gereja, skitar jam 9, Tucikutil Voices dan org2 yg telah terlibat membantu berkumpul di Pizza Hut Dago untuk syukuran Juara II-nya di Lomba Vocal Group UKSU ITB (plok plok plok). Untung ada duit hadiah juaranya ya, hehehe.. Abis makan, foto2 lagi di depan Pizza Hut sampe jam 11 malam... (huaahmm.. capek banget)

It was fun, tapi hai para Tucikutil-ers.. jangan lupakan tugas2 dan kewajiban kita yaa.. Viva Tucikutil-ers & Tucikutil Voices ^_^ Selamat Hari Minggu Semuanya!!

Saturday, March 19, 2005

What happened on Saturday?

hmm hmm..
Things that happened on Saturday.. Well, Sorry dulu seblomnya.. bahasa yg dipake lagi campur2.. masih seenaknya.. :p harap maklum.. tergantung mood ^_^

Woke up around 8. Prepared my stuff to be posted to JKT. Leaving for Post Office (after taking a bath for sure). But on the way, I decided to stop by Basket ball court @ Sabuga. Just watching my colleagues playing.

Heh, at the Post Office I met a Math guy who was sending the same stuff I sent, particularly to the same PO BOX. God bless u and me O:-)

Then heading to Toghie's house and getting bored waiting for him n Fery to arrive. Huff, fortunately they brought lots of 'gorengan' to eat..err, shoul I say unfortunately? b'coz I already had chicken porridge and strawberry milk for brunch. Hehe.. spent about 2 hours sleeping there.. Then we headed to GII Dago. Biasaaa.. latian PS buat kebaktian 2.

Later after the practice.. Heading to GKPI (jalan naon nyak') to do some survey of possibility and availability of the church to be used for choir concert.. Lumayan sih akustiknya. cuma kayaknya kapasitas penonton yg bisa ditampung cuma dikit. Bisa nampung 50an mobil, tapi parkir di jalan :p Btw, kmaren itu perginya bareng Jukie, Acid, Charles, dan vina..Foto HKBP Jln. Riau

Next, to HKBP Jl.Riau. Tapi krn spertinya lagi ada acara, ya dibatalkan. Abis itu, pulanglah kami.. Eh, tapi dengan Vina dan Charles pergi makan dulu ke Asmad (dah lama ngga).. biasaaa.. nyari mun tahu ato fuyung hai ^_^

Abis tu pulang deh dan nonton VCD Friends yg dipinjemi Jukie. Oh iya, Desy ada wawancara di Ciwalk untuk Gatra.. congratz ya.. ditemenin serombongan makhluk: Fery, Toghie, Saut, B'Josh, Oclyn, Hans, Yona, dan Anggi.

That's what happened on Saturday, 18 March 05

First post..

Well.. again, another webjournal service.. Let see how long I could stick to this one ^_^
Oops.. I create this one after lunch break at the office.. gotta get back to work asap..