After doing some work on our presentation in Doudou's room this afternoon, I wanted to go back to my room and search for my key. Darn, I couldn't find it. The room key was with my bike's key, mailbox key, and all other keys I have

Did I left it inside my room? But I remembered playing with the key in the elevator to Doudou's floor. Did I drop it somewhere? Searched again inside my notebook bag and all of my pocket.
I went to my floor and realized I couldn't enter my floor's aisle without key. Ahh, I could call Habib if he's home (same floor). He's home and could open the aisle's door for me. I found out that my door is closed. It could be just closed or locked. I went back to Doudou's room to borrow her bike for visiting DUWO to get spare key. Search again in her room and my notebook bag.
Realized that DUWO might have been closed. Met Albert who reminded me that the room's door could be open by using some technique (I'm not gonna mention it here) if it's not locked. Hahaha, many students accidentally left their keys in the room actually..

Called Habib again, he didn't have the needed tool. He refered me to Reza/Edwin. I called Reza, he said he left the tool to Ivo, who live in my building, for this kind of reason, hehehe.. So, I called Ivo and he came to my floor.
We tried to open the door but it seems quite hard. We talked about the possibility if I already locked the door. Suddenly I felt something in the back of my notebook bag. Do'h, there's a thin pocket and I found my keys there!!

It seemed like I put my keys there absentmindedly when coming to Doudou's room and forgot that there's that pocket in my bag. I rarely used this bag.
Thanks Bib, Ivo, Reza, Albert, Doudou for all the unnecessary (and somewhat stupid) rush.