Tuesday, June 28, 2005

"World Filled With Love" - Craig David

Saw some pictures in the paper,
of a girl I'd met the day before.
I couldn't believe that hours later,
I had reporters knockin at my door,
But I used to dream about,
the life I'm living now and,
I didn't think I'd miss those things from the past,
and I'm not afraid of leaving,
or letting go of what I had,
cause I realize that now there's no turning back.

Cause I'm young heart living in a world filled with love,
so when tear drops fall from me like rain from above,
I can brush my troubles away,
know that deep down inside,
I've got sunshine in my life.

I used to think I could get better,
my girlfriends always used to get me wrong.
Some distant messages, love letters,
but those kinda feelings never lasted long.
Cause now the only love I find's within a castle made of sand,
and when the tide goes out it's swept away.
Though I got my peace of mind,
and time is firmly on my side,
and through the bad time I can safely say...


Ah...now that love's here to stay
I've found a better day to brush my troubles away

Explanation of what happened in the previous post

OK, there's some explanation on 'the SMS' mentioned in previous post.

"SMS tersebut dikirim di tengah-tengah acara peringatan Hari Internasional Anti Penyalahgunaan Obat dan Peredaran Gelap Narkoba di Istana Negara, Jalan Veteran, Jakarta Pusat, Selasa (28/6/2005)."

SMS from Mr. President

OK, I know that the President of Indonesia, Pak SBY has got an SMS number as a way to receive SMS from Indonesian inhabitants. The number is: 9949.

The previous phone number provided for such purpose is his cell phone number: 0811 109 949. But it turned out that his number is no longer able to received such a great SMS flood. The current SMS number, supported with a server to store the SMS, is the solution to that problem. This news can be read in any newspaper/news portal.

But it's such a surprise to receive an SMS, as follows:

"Stop penyalahgunaan dan kejahatan Narkoba sekarang. Mari kita selamatkan dan bangun bangsa kita, menjadi bangsa yang sehat, cerdas, dan maju."

Sent: 28-June-2005 15:04:58

Hehe, It seems that our President try to reach us personally via the SMS also. Don't know how long this would happen. Any comments from you guys?

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Sandwich.. hmm..

Kmaren.. akhirnya keinginan gw yg dah lama ga sempat-sempat dijalanin tercapai jg :p BIKIN EGG SANDWICH DI KOST-AN!! (Yaelah, ga penting bgt). Hehehe.. padahal sebenernya gampang aja, tapi ntah kenapa ga jadi2 melulu. Maklum, pergi pagi pulang malam.

Not exactly the same sandwich I made :p
= Not exactly the same sandwich I made :p =

Jadi ya, kronologis ceritanya: Selasa malam ga ada latian Il Elefante. Jadi gw berniat untuk pergi nonton, sendiri atopun rame2. Ngehubungi Hans untuk nanyain apa para Kubsel-ers mau nonton spt biasanya. Ceunah kemudian mah mau. Tapi mereka(B'Josh,Hans,Oky,Etha,jukie) lagi blanja2 kebutuhan Oky yg mo pindah kost ke Tubagus Ismail dan akan menghubungi lagi nanti. Ngehubungi Bang Rehold, ceunah mau tapi les dulu sampe jam 6 sore. Ngehubungi si Togi, pending! Ngehubungi si Fery, ceunah mo istirahat di kost. Ngehub Aries, tnyata lagi sibuk nge-print draft untuk sidang TA yg blom tau kapan (kyaknya kita baru bisa nonton setelah TA-nya selesai ya Ries :p)

Dihubungi Saut, katanya anak2 mau lgs ke Ciwalk. Aku tungguin kabar ttg kpastian pergi nontonnya, tapi ga ada kabar jg. Akhirnya pulang kantor aku ke Kubsel, nobody's around. Akhirnya memutuskan untuk pulang aja dulu.

Sampai di kost, Oh My God!! Harddisk external-ku tertinggal di kantor. Artinya ga bisa ngerjain apa2 di rumah. Jadilah ngehubungi kantor dulu untuk mastiin HD itu aman. Trus B'Rehold nge-sms dia dah di Ciwalk, tapi ceunah antrian panjang bangeeet. Aku brangkat dan sampe di Ciwalk, antrian emang panjaaang untuk Batman Begins. Mo nonton Mr & Mrs Smith, B'Rehold udah nonton itu. Akhirnya kami belanja2 aja di Yogya setelah seblomnya memberi tau tim (cieeh 'tim') B'Josh yg lagi blanja di Carrefour dan Saut yg sendiri di Kubsel.

Pas belanja di Yogya, tergoda beli: telor, kraft cheese, roti tawar bulat, mayonaisse spread for sandwich, Kusuka rasa cheese burger, dan Shampoo (ini ga nyambung ya :p). B'Re beli Ritz cheese sandwich, minuman kotak, dan entah apa lagi.. Eh,ketemu anak2 SEF Nita & Fajar yg dah lama ga ketemu.. senang bgt.. Miss u guys!!

Pulang ke kost-ku, mulailah kami menggoreng2 telor dan membuat sandwich. Sambil ngesms Saut krn ingat dia lagi sendiri di kost-an krn ga jadi nonton dan dia jg penggemar CHEESE like me! ^_^ Tapi ceunah dia dah makan..

Makan sandwich + Kusuka + Ritz + minuman kotak + A&W Sarsaparilla. YUMMY!! Akhirnya impianku jadi kenyataan. Jadi terharu (nauoon :p)

Yah, begitulah..

-[Tomorrow..tomorrow.. You're always a day away..]-