Thursday, September 17, 2009

Maling di apartemen

Apartemenku di Delft ada di jalan yg namanya Roland Holstlaan. Seringnya sih disebut Roland aja.
Waktu tahun pertama tinggal di Delft, aku tinggal di gedung ini. Tahun kedua, pindah ke gedung lain. Untuk Agustus-Oktober 2009 ini, aku kembali ke Roland.

Tapi entah kenapa tiba2 jadi banyak kemalingan di gedung ini. Poster2 yg ngingatin soal kemalingan udah banyak di tempel di dalam gedung, termasuk ngingatin ngunci kamar kalau keluar (bs sih ga usah di kunci, dab jadi ga bs dibuka dr luar. Tp dgn obeng ato sejenisnya, bisa dibuka dgn agak maksa. Aku jg bisa, hahaha :D), ngunci jendela, nutup pintu ke bike shed, pintu masuk ke koridor dan ke dalam apartemen. Selain itu jg ga membiarkan org lain yg mencurigakan utk ikut masuk ke dalam gedung (perlu kunci kamar masing2 utk masuk ke dalam gedung).
Tp ya gmn nentuin mencurigakan apa ngganya.. feeling masing2 itu mah..

Pas ketemu caretaker di lantai dasar 2 minggu lalu, dia ngasi selebaran pengumuman yg ada nomor telp polisinya. Dia bilang dalam 4 tahun ini, ini pertama kalinya ada kemalingan lagi.
Hari ini udah ada poster baru yg bilang yg kemalingan udah 6 kamar.

Semoga cepat bereslah urusan maling2 ini. Jadi was-was ninggalin kamar

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Getdropbox & Thesis Document

I wrote this following questions from some friends at Plurk about why I do not use googledoc instead.

Since I worked on my thesis last March, I has at least 2 workstations. My notebook at home, my notebook in the office ( I do in-company thesis), and computers in my faculty.

I've tried to only use my office notebook, but after some times, carrying the notebook back and forth on twice a day 1,5 hour indirect train travel became too annoying.

I have a special folder for my thesis work, including subfolders that organize my literature collection based on how I get them and whether I have printed them or not. It's common for me to add new articles or move some articles to printed-folders.

For that reason, I back up my files by simply copying my thesis folder to my flashdisk and copying it again to my home notebook. However at some point, my pathetically-small-capacity flashdisk (256Mb) can't handle my files anymore :p

I tried to send files to my own email address. But this really is not the best solution, because I can't have my perfectly organized thesis folder on hand.

That's how I started using Dropbox from It gives me 2Gb online space.
I installed it on my home notebook. Then I moved my thesis folders to the Dropbox folder. When I installed the same application on my work notebook and link it to my own account, it automatically made an exact copy of my Dropbox folder at home.

Everytime I made changes to my thesis at work, i.e.: document update, document relocation, etc, the application automatically synchronize the change online and when I get home, the same synchronization is also performed in my home notebook.

That's how Dropbox helps with my thesis work :D
Btw, I need more Dropbox space. If you register through my referral link, you and I (it's fair right? hehe) will get additional 250Mb space, haha.. So, if you wanna give it a try, register through this link :D

There are similar concepts that might be as useful, such as online desktop (I forget the application name).